15 Cruel Animal Sports in Different Countries and How to End These Practices – GWC Mag

In our world, several cruel sports and practices exploit and harm animals for human entertainment. From bullfighting to elephant rides, these activities raise ethical concerns and have a detrimental impact on animal welfare. This article delves into some of these inhumane practices, including greyhound racing, tiger hunting, fox hunting, monkey dancing, and bear-baiting. By understanding these practices and implementing effective strategies, we can work towards eradicating them for the betterment of animals and society.

1. Bullfighting – Spain

Bullfighting is a controversial traditional spectacle that has deep cultural roots in Spain. Additionally, this cruel sport is also practiced in several other countries including France, Portugal, Mexico, Columbia, Peru, and Ecuador. It involves a bull being fought by a matador in an arena to display the matador’s bravery and skill. However, the treatment of the bull during the event raises significant concerns for animal welfare. Bulls are subjected to immense stress, fear, and physical pain before they are eventually killed. The use of capes, swords, and banderillas inflicts further suffering on the animal. 

To put an end to bullfighting, a multi-faceted approach is necessary. This includes raising awareness about the cruelty involved, implementing legal bans on bullfighting, and encouraging a shift in cultural attitudes towards more ethical forms of entertainment. Luckily, several organizations are working towards ending this cruel sport. This includes the Comité Anti Stierenvechten, which has been working to end bullfighting and bull festivals for decades. 

Sign this petition to Stop Bullfighting!

2. Crab Racing – Caribbean (Antigua and Barbuda)

Crab racing is a popular form of entertainment in the Caribbean, particularly in Antigua and Barbuda. However, it also takes place in other countries. These include the United States. It involves capturing crabs from their natural habitats and placing them in confined spaces where they are forced to compete against each other in races. Typically, it is hermit crabs that are used in these races. While it may seem like harmless fun, this activity can have detrimental effects on the welfare of the crabs involved. Confinement, handling, and the stress of competing can cause injuries, distress, and even death for these creatures. 

Crab racing exploits these animals for human amusement, disregarding their natural behaviors and overall well-being. To address this issue, efforts should be made to raise awareness about the negative impact of crab racing on animal welfare. Promoting alternative forms of entertainment that do not involve exploiting animals, such as educational programs about marine life or beach clean-up initiatives, can help shift the focus towards more responsible and ethical activities. Fortunately, many organizations around the world are working to end cruelty towards crabs and other crustaceans. These include the Animal rights organization Crustacean Compassion, which operates in the United Kingdom

Sign this petition to Stop Hermit Crab Races!

3. Camel Racing – United Arab Emirates

Source: euronews/YouTube

Camel racing is a popular sport in the United Arab Emirates and other Middle Eastern countries. It involves jockeys riding camels as they race across a track. In the past, child jockeys were commonly used, and often subjected to dangerous conditions and abuse. Recognizing the ethical concerns surrounding child labor and animal welfare, efforts have been made to replace child jockeys with lightweight robots.

Despite these changes, there is still room for improvement to ensure the welfare of the camels and the fair treatment of animals. Stricter regulations and enforcement can be implemented to ensure that camels are not subjected to harsh training methods or exposed to extreme weather conditions. Additionally, promoting education and awareness about animal welfare can help foster a more compassionate approach to camel racing. Several organizations, including PETA, have spoken up against camel racing. 

Sign this petition to Stop Camel Races!

4. Cockfighting – Philippines

Cockfighting, also known as sabong, is a popular traditional sport in the Philippines. Heartbreakingly, this violent blood sport has spread throughout the world. It involves two roosters being bred and trained to fight each other until one is incapacitated or killed. While the activity is deeply embedded in the country’s culture, it is highly controversial due to concerns about animal cruelty. Roosters are often fitted with spurs or blades, resulting in severe injuries and sometimes death. 

To put an end to cockfighting, strict legal enforcement is crucial. Legislation should be passed to ban the activity, accompanied by public education campaigns to raise awareness about the cruelty involved. Promoting alternative forms of entertainment and cultural activities that do not involve animal cruelty can also help shift societal attitudes. Many Animal rights organizations are working to end cockfighting, including The Humane Society

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5. Elephant Polo – Thailand

Source: PETA Asia/YouTube

Elephant polo is a sport that originated in Nepal but gained popularity in Thailand. It involves teams of players riding elephants and attempting to score goals using a large ball and mallets. While the activity may appear entertaining, it raises ethical concerns regarding the welfare of the elephants involved. Elephants may undergo stressful training methods and be subjected to unnatural and uncomfortable conditions during matches. 

As wild animals, the use of elephants in entertainment is highly controversial. Promoting awareness about responsible tourism practices and advocating for stricter regulations and enforcement can help mitigate these issues. Supporting sanctuaries and Conservation efforts that provide ethical and educational interactions with elephants can also offer a more compassionate alternative to elephant polo.

Luckily, elephant polo is becoming less popular. An expose by the Animal rights organization PETA helped to raise awareness about the inherent cruelty of the sport. This led to a rapid decline in its popularity in Thailand. Hopefully, this cruel practice will soon be a thing of the past. 

Sign this petition to Help Protect Elephants!

6. Kangaroo Boxing – Australia

Kangaroo boxing, although not widely recognized as a legitimate sport, has been reported as a form of entertainment in Australia. Sadly, it has also been reported in other countries. It involves kangaroos being pitted against humans in a boxing match. Often the kangaroos are made to wear boxing gloves to prevent them from seriously harming their opponent. They are often punched multiple times, including in the face. This practice is inherently cruel and exploits the natural behavior of kangaroos for human amusement. 

Kangaroos are wild animals and should be respected in their natural habitats. Animal welfare organizations play a vital role in raising awareness about the cruelty of such activities and advocating for legal measures against them. Public outrage and pressure can also contribute to the cessation of kangaroo boxing, encouraging a shift towards more ethical and compassionate forms of entertainment that do not exploit animals. In 2014, animal rights organization PETA managed to get a kangaroo boxing match promoted by Starlight Circus shut down by appealing to the mayor of Tennessee

Sign this petition to Help Protect Kangaroos!

7. Ostrich Racing – South Africa

Ostrich racing is a form of entertainment in South Africa, where riders mount and race ostriches. This cruel sport has also been practiced in the United States. While ostriches are known for their speed and endurance, this activity can cause stress and injury to these birds. Indeed, ostriches have been known to fall, become injured, or even die as a result of this sport.

Ostriches are not built to handle the weight of a human. Additionally, they can experience severe stress due to these events. Nevertheless, they are forced to race for entertainment. Advocacy for responsible tourism and the implementation of animal welfare regulations can help address the issues associated with ostrich racing. Encouraging alternative and more compassionate ways to engage with ostriches, such as educational programs or observing their natural behaviors in protected environments, can promote a better understanding and appreciation of these remarkable creatures.

United Poultry Concerns is one Animal rights organization advocating for the end of ostrich racing. The organization advocates for the ethical treatment of poultry birds, including ostriches. Other Animal rights organizations, including PETA, have also spoken out against this cruel sport.

Sign this petition to Protect Ostriches!

8. Monkey dancing – Various countries

Source: PETA/YouTube

Monkey dancing is a form of entertainment where trained monkeys are made to perform tricks or dances. This practice often involves cruel training methods, such as physical abuse, chaining, and deprivation. They may also have their teeth yanked out, to prevent them from defending themselves from these punishments.

A study conducted on dancing monkeys in Pakistan has shown that these poor creatures suffer from unusually high levels of stress hormones. Additionally, they may display abnormal behaviors and poor health. This study shows that being forced to participate in this cruel sport is detrimental to the welfare of the monkeys, as their natural behaviors are suppressed for human amusement. 

To combat the damage done by forcing monkeys to dance, strict regulations, public awareness campaigns, and supporting organizations that rescue and rehabilitate captive monkeys are necessary. Animal rights organizations, including the Jakarta Animal Aid Network, are currently working to educate the public about this issue, and pressure lawmakers to help stop this animal abuse. 

Sign this petition to Help Stop Monkey Dancing!

9. Pig Racing – United States (Southern states)

Pig racing, often seen at fairs and agricultural events in the southern states of the United States, involves juvenile pigs being trained to run around a track while spectators cheer them on. While it may appear amusing, this activity raises concerns regarding the welfare of the pigs involved. Pigs are intelligent and social animals, and forcing them to participate in races can cause stress and anxiety. Furthermore, the training methods used to prepare the pigs for racing may involve coercion and potentially harmful practices. It is also sometimes difficult to ascertain whether the pigs are being kept in adequate, humane conditions. 

To help stop this cruel sport, encourage organizers to replace pig races with animal-friendly alternatives, such as educational displays or interactive experiences. This can help promote respect for animal welfare while still providing entertainment. Multiple Animal rights organizations have spoken out against pig racing, and other fairground activities involving pigs. These organizations include In Defense of Animals, and PETA. The campaign group Pigs Don’t Race has also spoken out against this sport. 

Sign this petition to Help End Pig Races!

10. Snail Racing – United Kingdom

Snail racing, a peculiar pastime in the United Kingdom, involves participants racing snails. The snails are set on a track that consists of two large circles. They then compete to see which snail makes it from the starting point to the end line first. While it may seem harmless due to the slow nature of snails, this activity can still have negative consequences for the well-being of these creatures. Snails have delicate bodies and may suffer injury as a result of handling. They are also wild animals, and not naturally inclined to participate in sporting events. Forcing them to do so can subject them to stress, injury, and potential damage to their shells. 

It is also worth noting that many snail species around the world are facing declining numbers due to habitat loss and fragmentation. Climate change is also affecting these small creatures. For this reason, removing snails from the wild to participate in snail racing is not advisable. By raising awareness about the welfare concerns associated with snail racing and promoting alternative activities that respect the natural behaviors and needs of animals, we can discourage this form of entertainment and encourage more compassionate practices.

Sign this petition to Protect Endangered Snails!

11. Dog Sledding – Canada

Dog sledding, a popular winter activity in Canada and other northern areas of North America, involves teams of dogs pulling sleds across snow-covered terrain. While some dog sledding operations prioritize the welfare of their canine athletes, there have been instances of animal mistreatment and neglect in this industry. Dogs are sometimes overworked, subjected to harsh weather conditions, and may not receive proper care and veterinary attention. 

To address these concerns, regulations should be implemented to ensure that dog sledding operations adhere to strict animal welfare standards. Additionally, promoting educational initiatives that emphasize responsible and ethical practices can encourage dog sledding businesses to prioritize the well-being of their sled dogs. Fortunately, many organizations are working towards these goals. These include the Animal Legal Defense Fund

Sign this petition to Speak Out Against Dog Sledding!

12. Ferret Legging – United Kingdom

Ferret legging is an unusual and controversial activity that originated in the United Kingdom. It involves participants placing live ferrets inside their trousers and enduring their bites and scratches for as long as possible. Sounds made up right? Nevertheless, some people choose to subject both themselves and a ferret to this event. 

This activity is widely regarded as cruel, as it subjects the ferrets to unnecessary stress, fear, and potential injury. Advocating for the banning of ferret legging and raising awareness about the welfare implications can help eliminate this practice. Additionally, promoting alternative forms of entertainment that celebrate the natural behaviors and well-being of animals can provide a more compassionate way to engage with them. Many Animal rights groups, including PETA, have already spoken out against this cruel event. 

Sign this petition to Advocate Against Using Animals as Entertainment!

13. Cane Toad Racing – Australia

Cane toad racing is a form of entertainment that originated in Australia and involves betting on the movement of cane toads. These toads, which are an invasive species in Australia, are captured and used as props for races. They are often handled cruelly. This activity not only exploits the toads but also poses ecological risks by encouraging the capture and handling of these harmful pests. By promoting education about the environmental impact of cane toads and discouraging their use in racing events, we can protect both the welfare of the toads and the natural ecosystems they inhabit. Animal rights organizations have spoken out against the cruel practice, along with other cruel treatment that cane toads are frequently subjected to.

Sign this petition to Help Stop Cane Toad Racing!

14. Buffalo Racing – Various Countries

Buffalo racing involves water buffaloes pulling a cart while jockeys ride on their backs. Various countries hold variations of these events. These countries include Indonesia, Thailand, and India. While this tradition is deeply rooted in these cultures, it raises concerns about the welfare of the buffaloes involved. The intense physical exertion and potential for injuries during these races can cause significant harm to the animals. The buffalo may also be whipped, bitten, or have pain otherwise inflicted on them to encourage them to run faster. Encouraging the adoption of strict animal welfare regulations, ensuring proper veterinary care, and promoting alternative cultural activities that do not exploit animals can help protect the well-being of these magnificent creatures. PETA India has already spoken out about the cruelty of these events. 

Sign this petition to Help Buffalo!

15. Dogfighting – Various Countries

Source: HSUS/YouTube

Dogfighting is a cruel blood sport in which two dogs are forced to fight each other, often to the death. Although most countries have banned this cruel sport, a few have not. Dogfighting is still legal in Honduras, Japan, and Albania. Additionally, it remains common but clandestine throughout the world. Although the sport is recognized as inherently cruel, dogs continue to suffer horrific cruelty due to this awful activity. 

This cruel sport causes unimaginable suffering and pain. To stop dogfighting, a variety of actions must be utilized. People must be educated about the negative effects of dogfighting, and legal actions must be taken. Most animal rights organizations are outspoken in their efforts to eradicate dogfighting around the world. 

Sign this petition to Help Dogs Rescued From Dogfighting!

Ending Animal Cruelty

To stop these practices and their negative impact on society and animals, several strategies can be employed:

  1. Legislation: Implementing strict laws and regulations that ban or regulate these activities, ensuring penalties for offenders, and promoting animal welfare standards.
  2. Education and Awareness: Educating the public about the cruelty and negative consequences associated with these practices, raising awareness about alternative forms of entertainment, and promoting empathy and respect towards animals.
  3. Responsible Tourism: Encouraging responsible tourism practices that prioritize the well-being and Conservation of animals, supporting sanctuaries and ethical wildlife interactions.
  4. Enforcement: Strengthening enforcement mechanisms to crack down on illegal activities and ensuring proper monitoring and inspection of events involving animals.
  5. Support for Animal Welfare Organizations: Supporting and donating to organizations that rescue, rehabilitate, and advocate for the rights and well-being of animals affected by these practices.

By combining these efforts, it is possible to gradually reduce and ultimately eliminate these practices, creating a more compassionate society that respects and protects the welfare of both humans and animals.

To put an end to cruel sports and practices, a multi-faceted approach is necessary. Legislation should be enacted to ban or regulate these activities, while education and awareness campaigns can help shift public opinion and promote empathy towards animals. Responsible tourism practices and Support for animal welfare organizations are crucial in offering alternatives and protecting animals. By combining these efforts, we can create a more compassionate society that respects and safeguards the welfare of animals, ensuring a brighter future for all.

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