Green Business 2 Weeks Pregnant – Ecocentric Mom – GWC Mag gwcmagOctober 3, 2023060 views Are you 2 weeks pregnant already!? While that means that you’re one step closer to holding your bundle of joy in your arms, it also means that the symptoms are stronger and heavier now, even in the beginning. They say that pregnancy is a bittersweet process, and nothing could be truer. Whether you’re a first-time mom or an experienced mom, we’re here to answer your questions. There are so many changes that a woman’s body goes through during this time and, while it is a joy to bring new life into the world, understanding what your body goes through is both helpful and fascinating. In this article, we’re not only going to be focused on what changes your body goes through when you are 2 weeks pregnant, important details on your symptoms, and the baby’s development. Plus, we’ll also discuss the care that your body would need during this week, giving you some new changes to focus on. Pregnancy is one of the most important, cherished, and memorable times that you’ll ever experience in your life. Understanding what you can expect can quell the fears and anxiety you have about what the weeks ahead will bring you. Read on to find out what the second week of pregnancy is all about. What is Happening: To Your Body and To Baby! Every woman wants to know what is going on inside their body as they go through their pregnancy, even from the very beginning. Each week brings a new phase, new milestones, and new changes, so let’s start at the beginning. Much like in week 1, there is a chance that you might not be pregnant. Most OBGYNs consider the start of your pregnancy from your last menstrual period – which is a week or 2 before you get pregnant. As bizarre as it may sound, this calculation provides doctors with a fairly accurate due date for the mom-to-be. Though you may think you are only 2 weeks along, the hormones in your body can tell a much different story. By the time that you are 2 weeks pregnant, your menstrual cycle would’ve already ended, and you are nearing ovulation. Ovulation is the time during your cycle that you are most likely to get pregnant, making it the ideal time to engage in intimacy with your partner. To increase the odds of conception, it is best to repeat this process multiple times, as the end of the week will bring a significant drop in the chances. Internally, your ovaries release the egg into the fallopian tubes at this time. Assuming that you’ve engaged in sexual intercourse with your partner, the sperm is still thriving as it makes its way to the egg. The odds of the sperm and egg coming together are rather high, giving a better chance of fertilization and turning the egg into an embryo (that will eventually become your bundle of joy!). Fertilization simply means that the ovum (egg) and the sperm combine to trigger the production of the embryo. If the ovum is successfully fertilized, your pregnancy can be calculated by taking the first day of your last period. Your due date would be approximately 40 weeks after this date, but a more accurate date can be provided by a doctor in the coming weeks. At just 2 weeks pregnant (when the embryo has still not attached itself to the lining of the uterus), even an internal ultrasound will not be able to pick up the embryo due to the small size. The average pregnancy test may not even pick up the pregnancy since the new hormones have not increased enough to be detectable. That doesn’t mean that your body isn’t already going through plenty of preparation. Though there isn’t quite a thriving fetus in your body quite yet at this point, it is important to note that counting from your last period can tell you when to expect that your pregnancy will be notable in your medical records. If you’ve been trying to conceive already, your doctor may give you signs to look for. At 2 weeks pregnant, you aren’t technically considered pregnant yet, making it hard to understand what changes may occur. After all, even the uterus has not gotten the signal that there’s a fertilized egg that is ready to attach. If you aren’t sure if you have conceived at this point, spend more intimate time with a partner to increase your odds. Pregnancy Symptoms At 2 weeks pregnant, you still are not technically considered pregnant. Pregnancy tests required an HCG level of 25 to even pick up the pregnancy, and the production of this hormone won’t start until the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterus. Still, a woman’s body goes through many biological processes with the menstrual cycle, and there are other changes to watch for. As ovulation nears, your cervix is said to rise to the top of your vagina, exhibiting a softer and moister texture. and turns softer and moister. Many of the typical pregnancy symptoms at this point are the same as the signs of ovulation, so it can be confusing and almost impossible to determine which change is taking place. Ovulation symptoms occur every month, but here are a few changes that may occur at this time. Heightened Basal Body Temperature When the fertilization finally happens in your body, you would notice a slight rise in your basal body temperature – which is known to stay high during the whole course of your pregnancy. However, an elevated temperature can also indicate that the body is preparing for ovulation, making it an opportune time for intimacy. Tender or swollen breasts Another symptom that you might be able to notice is a change in your breasts. They might suddenly appear swollen or fuller and might also get sensitive to touch. They may even be tender, causing discomfort without the right support. Fatigue Your body is working extra hard while it is preparing for ovulation and the possibility of having a baby in your uterus. It is only natural that you will feel tired! You could notice fatigue when you are 2 weeks pregnant, which is often accompanied by slight pelvic pain. Nausea or vomiting You could also notice some nausea or vomiting during this time, especially if the egg was fertilized early on in ovulation. While it won’t necessarily be at the same severity as you experience nausea by the 4th or 5th week, having an upset stomach could be a sign that your hormones have started to rise. Still, if this nausea is soothed by eating or taking an antacid, it may just be an indication to have some lunch. Enhanced sense of smell One of the most interesting changes that the body experiences early on is the change in smell. Due to the slight shifting hormones, you might notice that you can smell anything with better clarity at this time. Increased libido This is a circumstance where everyone benefits. During the time of ovulation, women often experience an increased sex drive which is good in itself if you are already planning to make the best of your ovulation period and make a baby out of it. Thin and clear mucus Though this symptom may seem a little out of the ordinary, it is incredibly common to experience an increase in thin and clear mucus. The presence of this mucus is a good sign since it improves the odds of trapping healthy sperm after intercourse. Though it is possible for the body to continually produce this mucus, the consistency will change as ovulation occurs. While all these symptoms are common in the second week of your pregnancy, they do not necessarily mean that you are pregnant. These symptoms are common during menstruation too and that is why you could easily confuse them. The timing of your symptoms would also depend on when you have sex and finally conceive the baby. Therefore, it would always be a better choice to check before drawing your own conclusions too soon. Pregnancy Care No matter how early on in your pregnancy that you might be, you have to take care of yourself to take care of your potential baby. Even before your body shows symptoms or you get a positive pregnancy test, this new life already depends on the mother to provide it with all of the nutrients and protection from the start. A healthy mom is the key to a healthy baby, and your OBGYN may have already spoken with you about the best ways to keep the body nurtured at this time.From keeping yourself busy with a fun hobby to getting proper meals and sleep, pregnancies involve a rather balanced care routine that would eventually help you and your baby alike. Take a daily prenatal vitamin Prenatal vitamins are an important part of any pregnancy and pre-pregnancy care routine. These supplements don’t replace a healthy diet, but they provide the necessary vitamins and minerals that the new baby needs for their development. If you aren’t sure about the best formula for you, speak with a doctor to learn of any possible brands that specifically meet your needs. Reduce stress While stress is generally not good for anyone, it is crucial to keep calm and relaxed while trying to conceive to put less strain on the body. Every soon-to-be parent wants to give their child a happy and soothing environment, and there’s no better time to start than right now. Get enough sleep Another thing that you have to take care of is about getting enough sleep during this phase. Your body has to make a whole new person, and that requires a lot of energy. Before you reach the weeks when fatigue is a constant state of being, take steps to establish a consistent sleep routine to reduce stress and improve weight management. Find a hobby Do something that makes you happy! This could range from reading a book to finding a new hobby and even spend time with your friends. This would keep your mind and body happy and would drastically reduce the stress levels in your body too. Eat healthily During any phase of your pregnancy, you must eat the right foods. Eating a balanced diet would give you all the necessary nutrients that you need for your pregnancy to be smooth as well as successful. Plus, if you’re already taking the prenatal supplement that is recommended above, you’re on the right path. Exercise regularly Even though there are several myths about not exercising during pregnancy, doctors believe that some exercise can be beneficial. Focus on low-impact exercise (like walking or dancing) to promote better blood flow and keep your healthy weight. The Focus for This Week While we understand that you might think that overhauling your normal habits at just 2 weeks pregnant is a bold move, there are still many ways that you can focus on your health, conception, and more right now. Here are a few things to add to your routine in the 2nd possible week of pregnancy. Sex! Yes! This is the time for increased amounts of intimacy with your partner as this is when your ovulation would happen, and the egg will be fertilized. Since you don’t know if you’re already pregnant, you should be trying your hardest to conceive during this week. Home ovulation testing You might be unsure about your exact ovulation day, but that’s what a home ovulation kit is for. You need to be aware of when this transition occurs in the body to maximize your chance of conception. These tests are similar to a pregnancy test, using urine to determine hormone levels in the body. Each brand is different, so follow the instructions carefully. Look for signs of increased fertility When you are already trying to conceive, you tend to get eager to see results. Closely monitor any changes in your body to see if they are fertilization symptoms. If your sense of smell improves, or your breasts feel more full than usual, these could be signs that a positive pregnancy test is in your future. Don’t forget your prenatal vitamins As discussed earlier, prenatal vitamins are extremely necessary for the smooth development of your baby. During this week, you should also focus on diligently taking your prenatal vitamins for the sake of yourself and your baby.