24 Plastic Wrap Alternatives for an Eco-Friendly Kitchen – GWC Mag

by gwcmag

Discover the best plastic wrap alternatives including bowl covers, beeswax wraps, silicone food bags, reusable food storage containers & more, to help you move toward zero waste in the kitchen. 

Eco-Friendly Plastic Wrap Alternatives

Let’s talk about plastic wrap today, shall we? If you’re like most people, you probably have a bright yellow box of plastic wrap in your kitchen drawer. It’s one of those kitchen staples that’s always there for you – and when you start to run low it immediately goes on the shopping list so you won’t ever be caught without it.

What if the next time the plastic wrap container got low, you just never replaced it? Is it possible to live without plastic wrap? You’ll be surprised how easy it is to skip the plastic wrap and other single-use plastics once you discover the many reusable alternatives to plastic wrap! 

If you are looking for an eco-friendly alternative to plastic wrap and disposable plastic bags, I’ve got you covered with reusable alternatives like beeswax wraps, bowl covers, silicone bags and more!

plastic wrap alternatives - silicone sandwich bags

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