3 Weeks Pregnant – Ecocentric Mom – GWC Mag

by gwcmag

 If you have an instinct that you might be pregnant, you might be right, but this is way after 2 weeks. As exciting as being pregnant can be, the period before you give birth comes with many changes both to your body and the baby as well. Some changes might not be a big issue, but some can make you feel very uncomfortable changing how you do things daily.

Even with the excitement, you might be thinking of how you can handle this news and thousands of questions running through your head on how to make it work. If this is you, then you have come to the right place. The following is a comprehensive outlook on what you can expect after being 3 weeks pregnant.

Changes to your body and baby

There are thousands of biological processes when you are 3 weeks pregnant. Technically in the first 2 weeks after fertilization, you are not quite pregnant yet. These processes are too microscopic to even notice until the 4th or 5th week. It is the period referred to as the first two weeks, as it is already a whole month before you start to notice any changes that may indicate a baby may be on the way. This is technically the first trimester, and you can start thinking of some of the crucial changes that will take place within the rest of the 40 weeks of pregnancy.
During this time, it is essential to understand the nitty-gritty details of what is happening to your body, and the development of your baby. This knowledge is vital to empower you to make decisions as soon as you can. Having the facts about the processes happening to your body also debunks the misconceptions that always seem to be around us from other ignorant people. Each pregnancy has its own unique sets of complications, and you don’t have to feel the exact way as other people. Even if it is your second or third pregnancy, you can be sure there will be a difference in each one of them.

The start of the 1st trimester


Fertilization is a crucial step towards developing the baby for the 40 weeks of pregnancy. It is primarily the fusion of the gametes, sperm, and egg to form the zygote. The process occurs in the fallopian tube, contrary to most people’s idea that it happens in the uterus. During ovulation, the egg cell is released from the ovary to make its way through the fallopian tube to the uterus. During this period, if the egg cell meets a sperm cell, there is a fusion of the two to form a newly fertilized egg called a zygote. The zygote later moves to the uterus to start the implantation process.

Fertilization processes naturally occur in the female’s body. However, reproductive technologies have made it possible for fertilization to happen outside the biological body and still successfully develop the baby during pregnancy.

Possibility of Twins

It always comes as a shock when you realize you have twins growing up in your uterus. This should not be an issue, and you don’t have to be worried about anything. There are two types of twins, fraternal and identical. Fertilization has similar processes with variations that differentiate between identical and fraternal twins. The ovulation process releases two eggs for fraternal twins, which both get fertilized. The fertilization also involves two different sperms, and in such a case, you can get twins. They are referred to as fraternal since they are not identical. This is the result of two separate eggs and sperms, and since the DNA is different, their physical features are different.


A released egg gets fertilized by one sperm for identical twins, and the resulting embryo splits into two. The resulting outcome is twins. The twins are similar, meaning their physical features are indistinguishable since they have the same DNA and the same sex.

With advancements in technology, different fertility treatments increase the likelihood of getting multiple twins from various established legal facilities. The fertility treatments are developed to transfer multiple embryos in the female’s uterus at a time, increasing the likelihood of getting pregnant with twins or more. Various fertility drugs are designed to make the ovaries release multiple eggs during the ovulation process.


Pregnancy Symptoms

To know whether you are pregnant or not, there are several early signs you can look for. Although some symptoms are similar to other health issues, it is better to get your head up even before you have a pregnancy test. There are different types of pregnancy symptoms. They can be both physical and psychological making Some of the vicious symptoms you may see during your first trimester include:


Fatigue is a common symptom when you are 3 weeks pregnant. The exhaustion comes in as if you are carrying some extra weight every moment. It’s hard work for sure, and that’s why almost all pregnant women will feel fatigued even before they realize they are 3 weeks pregnant.


The fatigue is linked to the placenta’s development, which is the baby’s life-support system in the next 40 weeks. Much energy is pulled down from you, so getting tired after short tasks are expected.

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness, also known as nausea, is one of the common signs you need to consider if you suspect you might be pregnant. It is like a queasy feeling that comes at any time of the day. It can start within the first trimester or even kick in later. There are no warning signs for this, so it can happen anywhere, making it inconvenient, especially when you have important tasks to cover. The main result of this morning sickness is the increase in hormones that cause changes to your digestive system leading to nausea.

Emotional Mood Swings

You have to expect to experience mood swings when you are pregnant since it is a common symptom even during this first two weeks. This results from hormonal changes in your body that you don’t control. You will have different mood variations, with anxieties popping up occasionally. The symptom also comes with being offended faster than you would have. When your moods change, your whole life is also changing; you must realize you need some control during 40 weeks. You can relax more often, giving yourself a break and get as much sleep as possible.

Smell Sensitivity

It is a fact that there is a more heightened sense of smell when you are pregnant compared to when you are not. This can happen even when you are 3 weeks pregnant but might be unnoticeable until you have a positive pregnancy test, and then it hits you. Any mild smells become stronger, so this might be a key sign that a baby is on the way.


The smell sensitivity also led to food aversions when you are pregnant. Even the thought and sight of certain foods or the smell of strong perfumes can contribute to morning sickness and mood changes. Triggers can be just about anything that your body rejects, and that’s all thanks to hormonal changes in adults.

Don’t worry if you can’t take it anymore with the symptoms during the first trimester. Some of them pass by the time you get to the second trimester, so you have to deal with other changes until the end of the 40 weeks. You can always take your time and know-how to deal with some of these changes, such as some foods to avoid and stop using perfumes or any other susceptible item.

Pregnancy Care

Pregnancy care is essential for your body and the baby you are carrying. Due to the changes that are happening, having a healthy lifestyle can be very beneficial during the 40 weeks of your pregnancy. It increases the chance of having a healthy and safe delivery, whether natural or using other methods. It also reduced risks during pregnancies and even during delivery. 

Also known as prenatal care, you can consider some essential factors as soon as you find out you are even 3 weeks pregnant.

Prenatal vitamins

You can’t always rely on getting all the necessary nutrition from the regular food you are used to eating daily. Remember, you are carrying another life inside you; they need some of the nutrients you are getting from your food. Using prenatal vitamins is a great way to boost your nutrient intake and add to the extra that you get from food.

It is recommended you consult your medical practitioner to advise you on the prenatal vitamin dosage you need to take during the entire period. Getting professional recommendations on your dietary supplements also helps reduce risks from the consumption of drugs you might be allergic to. Avoid random over-the-counter prescriptions and stay with one dosage all through.

You can also try a maternal milk supplement with essential minerals and vitamins that include folic acid, which is proven to be great for pregnancy.

Balanced Diets

Having is balanced diet cannot be stressed enough. You have to include all the essential ingredients in all your meals. Include the carbohydrates to keep your energy up, proteins, and don’t skip on vitamins. The more you have, the better. You can also increase your meals’ size and try to consume more than you did before being pregnant. Look for foods such as peas, lentils, dried beans, and whole-grain bread that contain natural folic acid.

Regular exercise

There are hundreds of prenatal exercises you can start right after discovering you are pregnant. There are safe exercises and exercises that you should avoid when pregnant. It is best to consult with your pregnancy specialist to know how you can keep fit and keep your baby healthy during the development stage. The exercises will continue after giving birth, so keep the thought so that you don’t miss out on the benefits that come with it.


It is crucial to always rest enough during this period. Don’t overwork yourself and take as much rest in between tasks. Sleep is also essential to getting the best rest. Get extended sleep cycles. You can do this by adding a couple of hours to your usual sleep time. Many benefits come with rest; it will give you a certain level of control for the changes that will be taking place in your body during your child’s development.

Other tips include:

• Spending more time with your loved ones.

• Relaxing your body.

• Practicing yoga.

• Practicing meditation.

Keep maintaining the track on getting healthy during your pregnancy, and you will start to rip the benefits in no time.

The focus for this week

If you already know that you might be 3 weeks pregnant after some changes taking place in the first two weeks, you should take your time and plan to take a test. You might be excited or not, but you must know for sure so that you plan for what’s to come.

  • If you prefer finding out in private, it is best to take a pregnancy test kit and test it right from your house. This is common nowadays since it is affordable.
  • Alternately, you can still go to your preferred clinic and get a pregnancy test and get a confirmation on the results.
  • Remember not to test too early since you may not get the results you might be looking for.
  • You could try testing again after a couple more weeks if the results were not comprehensive.
  • Set a self-care plan and routine and stick to it for the longest time possible until your delivery week.

The 40 weeks timeline may seem long, but you won’t even realize it untill your delivery week is around the corner. As soon as you find out you are pregnant even after you are 3 weeks pregnant, start making preparations on some of the changes you are going to need to make the next 40 weeks easy for you to remain positive, healthy, and for the baby too!

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