5 Common Toxins You’re Exposed to Every Day – GWC Mag

by gwcmag

Sadly, You’re Exposed to Common Toxins (Toxic Chemicals) Every Day. Here’s What To Do About It.


chemicals laboratory experiments toxic microscope manufacture



There are 5 common toxins that you’re exposed to every day, and they weaken your immunity – so you’re more at risk from infections, illness, and disease.

If your immune system is not working properly, you may take longer to recover from illness, and you have a higher risk of allergies, inflammation, and autoimmune disorders.

Today I’ll outline the most common toxins – and show you all-natural ways to avoid and get rid of them.


Where Are These 5 Common Toxins?

Toxins that may disrupt your immune system are everywhere. For example,

  • Your food may contain residues from pesticides, herbicides, hormones, and antibiotics.
  • There can be pollution in the air that you breathe.
  • Your home might have mold, air pollution, and cigarette smoke.
  • Your tap water might not be pure.
  • A large number of products you use daily may contain toxins – personal care products, cosmetics, cleaning products and clothes.

Because they’re everywhere around you, you need to know what to look out for, and how to reduce your exposure. Let’s get started!


What are the Top 5 Toxins?

They are so common that it’s really difficult to avoid them altogether, but knowing them can help you to reduce your exposure by choosing alternatives.

  1. Glyphosate
  2. Mold / mould
  3. Phthalates
  4. Heavy metals
  5. Organophospates



Every time I write about glyphosate I get a flurry of messages (many quite abusive) telling me that glyphosate is safe and harmless. Most of the people who contact me are involved in the industry and/or they benefit financially from it and don’t want it banned.

Glyphosate is a weedkiller, and it’s the most widely-produced chemical in the world that acts to weaken immunity. It’s used in forestry, on food crops and in home products.

The problem with it is that glyphosate may change your gut flora which are hugely important for your immune system – some scientists are calling the gut your ‘second brain’ because it’s so important to your health.



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Mold grows anywhere that is moist, damp and warm. Often you might not even see it! It can grow in your bathroom, damp basement, kitchen, wallpaper, ceiling tiles, fiberglass insulation, and elsewhere.  Mold may also grow on your food after harvesting or before storage.

Mold may cause breathing difficulties, headaches, fatigue, hormonal issues, and also problems with gut and mental health.


dangers in cosmetics - make up cosmetics lipstick nail polish powderPhthalates

Phthalates are chemicals most commonly found cosmetics but also in toys, vinyl flooring and wall covering, detergents, lubricating oils, food packaging, pharmaceuticals, blood bags and tubing, hair sprays, aftershaves, soaps, shampoos and anything with perfume.

They are toxic, weakening your immunity and increasing your risk of illness including cancer – research is ongoing.


Heavy Metals

Heavy metals (e.g. lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, and aluminum) are bad for your body and the environment. They can lead to chronic inflammation and cellular interference.

Arsenic is used in pesticides so it can be on your food.

Lead can be in paint, tap water, cosmetics and tobacco products.

Mercury can be found in larger seafood and silver tooth fillings.

Cadmium can be found in tobacco, metalworking, battery manufacturing, and contaminated foods.

Aluminum can be found in antiperspirant deodorant, tap water, canned food and drinks, and some processed foods.


Think you don’t have to worry about toxic chemicals?
In 2004, the Red Cross took umbilical cord blood from 10 randomly-selected newborn babies.
They found 287 chemicals! Pesticides, consumer product ingredients, and waste from burning gasoline / petrol and coal.
Of the 287 chemicals, 180 cause cancer, 217 are toxic to the brain and 208 cause birth defects.



These are chemicals used in insecticides, so if you use bug spray at home, you’re probably exposed. Farmers also use insecticides on their crops. They can cause serious neurological and psychiatric problems.


The Best Way to Avoid the 5 Common Toxins

buy these organic too - burgerYou may have noticed that I kept mentioning food and agricultural crops when talking about common toxins.

And that means that one of the biggest things you can do to reduce your exposure to toxins is to reduce or avoid

  • Processed food, junk food, fast food
  • Sugary drinks and foods
  • Deep fried food
  • Artificial ingredients and additives
  • Diet or low-fat or fat-free products

Eat lots of greens, vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices, healthy fats, and clean animal protein..

Try to buy organic produce whenever you can to avoid exposure to pesticides, hormones, and chemicals, or grow your own.  (See what you really should buy organic, and what’s not so important). Gut-healthy foods such as yogurt and kefir are great too.

Intermittent fasting can also help, because it helps your body to better eliminate toxins. See here.

And be sure to keep yourself hydrated with clean water (use a water filter if necessary), green juices and smoothies, and herbal teas. They all help to eliminate toxins from your body.

Always drink water first thing in the morning – I’ve found it really helps me.


Other Things To Do To Avoid Common Toxins

Avoid plastic bottles, use glass instead if possible. For reusable water bottles choose stainless steel or glass instead of plastic.

Avoid tinned or canned avoid tin cans especially tomatoes. fresh or glass instead or use as weights instead of dumbbellsgoods especially tomatoes and choose fresh produce or food in glass bottles.

Paper receipts are unhealthy but if you only handle them occasionally it’s probably fine. If you get a lot of paper receipts from shops, consider using a glove to stop contact with the skin. Or try to get digital receipts instead.

Vitamin D is essential for a healthy immune system so spend time outdoors every day, even if it’s not sunny. Walk or stand barefoot outside on the ground, sand, dirt or soil or grass too. Consider a vitamin D supplement if you don’t get enough sun where you live – it’s one of the few supplements that actually works!

If you’re worried about the quality of your indoor air, consider an air purifier with a HEPA filter, especially if you have asthma or allergies.

Instead of commercial cleaning products, clean with vinegar, baking soda and water.



We are surrounded by toxins.

Try to avoid as many as possible by avoiding processed foods and keeping well hydrated with water, green juices and smoothies and herbal teas.

Spend time outdoors, and keep your home clean using vinegar, lemon and baking soda. Try to avoid personal care products full of toxins.

You CAN avoid common toxins – knowledge is power!

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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Eating well can be complicated – there’s just SO much advice out there. Keep it simple. Discover the 6 worst foods, so you know what to avoid. Watch the video or get the report – they’re free – click here for instant access!

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