Impact of MIPS 2023 Reporting on it’s Four Performance Categories – GWC Mag

by gwcmag

MIPS performance categories are a set of evaluation criteria for eligible clinicians. As we know, these categories have varying weights assigned, contributing to the total MIPS score. Do you know what the category score distribution in MIPS 2023 is? Well, in MIPS 2023 reporting, there is no change in each category score distribution. It is the same as of 2022. However, CMS has modified the measure lists and made a few other changes. For instance,

  • The web interface is no longer available for MIPS reporting.
  • Also, MVPs are there as a voluntary reporting option.
  • There is no bonus for exceptional performance.

So, with these modifications and some others, it’s not going to be easy to survive MIPS 2023 safely. Eligible clinicians are revising their reporting strategies to achieve maximum scores by performing even better. Therefore, understanding the unique scoring requirements in each performance category is important.

Today’s blog especially covers all the details on performance category scoring in MIPS 2023. Thereby, those participating in PY 2023 will be able to score maximum points to avoid MIPS penalties.

The Four Performance Categories in MIPS

Before further delay, let’s explore all about the performance categories and changes brought by MIPS 2023.

Quality Category (30%)

Replacing the PQRS in the MIPS program, this category acts as a quality inspector for clinicians’ performance. The eligible clinicians usually select different measures provided in the CMS-approved list. During the measure selection process, it is necessary to consider their applicability as well. Afterward, they will select the data submission method. Then, collect data throughout the performance year. And later, submit it in the reporting phase.

What are the Reporting Requirements for MIPS 2023?

  • Choose six applicable measures with a high priority and an outcome measure; or
  • You can choose the MVP measure set for PY 2023 reporting. If using this pathway, then select four MVP measures from the respective list. Here, you must consciously pick one that must be an outcome or a high-priority measure.
  • Further, the clinicians will collect and report data during a 12-month performance period. The PY 2023 will expand from January to December.

Which Factor Results in Quality Category Scoring Points Reduction?

On each measure, participants may lose points in one or more of the following ways:

  • Poor performance
  • Submitting a measurement without a benchmark
  • Less than 20 cases in a measure submitted
  • Measure submission that does not satisfy the criteria for data completeness.

What are the Benchmarks for 2023 Quality Category Reporting?

The national benchmarks for quality measures in MIPS 2023 are contingent upon the following data sources and historical information collected from PQRS and CAHPS surveys. These benchmarks impact the allocation of points, ranging from 0 to 10, for MIPS-eligible clinicians. For MIPS 2023 performance periods, the historical benchmark for eCQMs, MIPS CQMs, QCDR measures, and Medicare Part B claims measures is actual data submitted for the 2021 performance year.

What are the Data Completion Standards?

Eligible clinicians usually have to fulfill strict data completeness requirements. Generally, it is based on their collection type. All groups and individual participants must report 70% of the data on eligible encounters during PY 2023. Similarly, those who choose Part B claims measures must report on 70% of their Medicare Part B patients.

What is the Quality Data Submission Deadline?

Again, the eligible clinicians’ submission and/or collection type may impact the submission deadline. Anyhow, it’s customary to submit the measures before March 31 of the year next to the performance year.

Improvement Activities Category (15%)

One way CMS assesses the clinician’s performance is through the implementation of various improvement activities. This category makes up 15% of the MIPS final score. And one amazing fact about IAs is that this is a truly new category of MIPS program. In other words, it has not been derived from any previous QPP program.

The QPP Resource Library has a list of Improvement Activities (IA) applicable for MIPS 2023. Go and choose the most relevant IAs for your participation in MIPS reporting. P3 Care, as an MIPS-qualified registry, can also help you in your selection. We provide MIPS consulting services to ease your selection.

What is the Improvement Activity Scoring in MIPS 2023?

Each activity in the Improvement Activities list is classified as either ‘medium-weighted’ or ‘high-weighted’. A MIPS participant intending to score a maximum of 15 points must go with the following combinations:

Clinician in a small group with 15 or fewer providers●     1 high-weighted activity OR

●     2 medium-weighted activities

Clinician with a special status of Non-patient Facing, HPSA or Rural●     1 high-weighted activity OR

●     2 medium-weighted activities

Clinicians working in larger groups with 16 or more providers●     1 high-weighted activity and 2 medium-weighted activities OR

●     2 high-weighted activities OR

●     4 medium-weighted activities

Remember, a minimum of 50% of TINs under a group must report for IAs their group is being attested to.

What is the Improvement Activities Submission Deadline?

The data submission deadlines for Improvement Activities are also the same. That’s why all eligible clinicians must submit their activities before March 31, 2024.

Promoting Interoperability Category (25%)

The MIPS program initially introduced this category as the Advancing Care Information Category. Later, it established the Promoting Interoperability category of MIPS. Clinicians can usually get 25% of their MIPS score by reporting these category measures. All they need for this purpose is an EHR technology certified to the 2015 Edition Cures Update criteria. They have to report selected measures for a continuous period of 60 days in MIPS 2023.

Is the Category Reweighting Possible?

Yes, it is possible. However, clinicians must meet certain predefined criteria. Then, you can shift the Promoting Interoperability weight to 0%. In contrast, it strengthens the Quality component to a significant 55% of your overall score.

Who is Qualified for an Exception for MIPS 2023 PI?

Qualified for Automatic Re-weightingNot Qualified for Automatic Re-weighting
Small practices

Clinical social workers

Physical therapists

Occupational therapists (OTs)

Qualified audiologists

Qualified speech-language pathologists (SLPs)

Clinical psychologists

Registered dietetics or nutrition professionals

Nurse practitioners (NPs)

Physician assistants (PAs)

Certified registered nurse anesthetists

Clinical nurse specialist

Cost Category (30%)

This category shares its origins with the value-based modifier program. Just like the Quality category, this Cost category also has a 30% weightage of MIPS final score. However, clinicians do not have to submit data for this category as CMS calculates the scores itself.

Ease Your MIPS 2023 Reporting with Our Consultancy

MIPS 2023 reporting, with some minor changes in each of its performance categories, requires compelling reporting strategies to perform well. Otherwise, clinicians can face MIPS penalties with a little carelessness. That’s why we suggest providers always depend on MIPS-qualified registries like P3 Care, as the reporting gets tougher every year. With our experience and MIPS consulting services, you can secure a safe spot in MIPS. Not only this, but you can also get the MIPS incentives by improving your performance as a whole.

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