energy use – How to use solar power with grid backup without net metering – GWC Mag

by gwcmag

So here is my situation. I am using a lot of electricity out of a couple specific outlets, 24/7. I want to install some solar panels, an inverter, and have these outlets (or possibly the whole house if I have enough power) run off solar as much as possible, to reduce the electrical bill… Without having a 2 way meter and no net metering is available.

I of course want to make sure no electricity is feeding back to the grid, if I am producing excess power, as I would just be charged for it, not credited for it because there is not a 2 way meter. Also I want to ensure there is priority that it is always pulling from the solar first, if possible, then pulling from the grid secondary for anything extra it needs if I am not producing enough power to meet demand. Also I want to have a setup without using solar backup batteries for the inverter, because batteries are definitely the biggest expense, the solar panels by themselves are very affordable.

I am trying to imagine a solution and don’t really know what kind of products are available…. But I am thinking the only solution would be some sort of device…. Like a solar inverter maybe… That also has a connection to my grid power going into the solar inverter, and the solar inverter has the function that it will always supply power from solar first, but will just pass through to the grid power for other power requested in excess of the the available solar. Then just wire up the power lines I want to go to the inverter instead of the grid fuse box.

Again, I don’t know too much about this type of thing, please help me find the best solution possible.

Secondary question/afterthought is, if I had solar being produced, and it was never enough to meet my demand and I always had to pull a little from the grid, so I didn’t need to worry about extra energy feeding back to the grid, is there an easier way to do this by like… Just mechanically connecting the solar inverter to the fuse box… But then how or in what way would you control or determine where the electricity is being pulled from? I would assume if there are 2 sources of power just mechanically connected, it would pull equally from both the inverter and grid line? How would you ensure it always pulls from the inverter first before pulling out of the grid?

Thank you!

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