Surprising benefits of dried apricots – GWC Mag

by gwcmag

There are absolutely no doubts that it’s one of nature’s most amazing fruits. This stone fruit, which looks like a peach but actually tastes like purple plums, is sometimes referred to as Armenian fruit.

Apricot fruit usually weighs around 35 grams and can grow to be about 4-5cm in diameter. It has a single pit located in the middle, which is surrounded by its edible flesh that has a crunchy taste and aromatic smell. Inside the stony shell, lie encased Apricot seeds, which have their own powerful presence.

1. Increased Concentration of Nutrients
The vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber present in apricots become significantly concentrated when they are dried.

2. Promoting Eye Health
Dried apricots are a natural source of Vitamin E and Vitamin A, both of which have numerous amazing health benefits. Apricots contain Beta-Carotene, which the body breaks down into the active form. Growing evidence suggests that Vitamins A and E, and Beta-Carotene may play an important role in preventing or mitigating age-related eye disorders.

By highlighting their key nutrients, other studies validate the potential benefits of dried apricots on eye health. Carotenoids, which are found within apricots, may help reduce oxidative stress on the retinas and lenses of our eyes. This may help promote excellent eye health even as we age.

3. Improving Bone Mineral Density
Post-menopausal women and many aging adults in general experience bone density loss. It’s actually one of the most common causes of many bone disorders, such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and other similar disorders.

Dried apricots contain Boron, a natural mineral with amazing health benefits. Research studies have shown that Boron may play diverse and essential roles in the functional properties of bone health. Evidence displays that Boron may help with overall bone health, bone healing, and bone metabolism.

Therefore, Boron may have a profound effect on your bone health, and allow for support in the composition, structure, and overall strength of your bones. It may also prevent or mitigate bone disorders such as osteoporosis.

4. Skin Damage and The Effects of Aging
Vitamins and dietary carotenoids have been known to play a vital role in overall skin health and appearance. In fact, many nutri-cosmetic products contain vital vitamins and natural carotenoids that may promote skin health.

Evidence now points to the fact that proper nutrition is critical for skin health and appearance. Dried Apricots contain many of these vital nutrients. They contain beta-carotene for instance, which your body converts into Vitamin A (retinol). There’s strong evidence that it may offer extra protection against sunburns and the more permanent dangers of UV rays

 5. May Help Reduce Blood Pressure
Dried apricots are a rich source of Potassium, a mineral linked with promoting healthy blood pressure. You can expect to consume around 259mg of potassium for every 3.5 ounces of apricots (approximately half a cup of fruits).

A research study conducted in 2013 showed high-quality evidence that consuming potassium may reduce high blood pressure in individuals suffering from hypertension. The study further suggested that a higher intake of potassium was linked to a 24 percent reduction in the risk of stroke.

Potassium is also an electrolyte that works closely with other minerals such as sodium to provide fluid balance to your body. It may help with regulating nerve signals and muscle contractions in the body.

6. Promoting Gut Health
Dried apricots contain about 2 grams of dietary fiber for every 100 grams or 1/2 cup of fruit. Dietary fiber has been shown to delay the movement of food as it goes through your digestive tract. Therefore, it feeds the good gut bacteria in your intestines, which may lead to a much healthier gut.

Trillions of bacteria live in your body, mostly in your intestines. They are incredibly important for your health, and the foods you eat determine the type of bacteria that get to live in your body. Research studies show that a healthier gut microbiome may lower the risk of obesity.

Dried apricots contain both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. Emerging research studies show that dietary fiber may provide additional health benefits such as maintaining healthy blood sugar levels as well as cholesterol levels.

7. Rich in Antioxidants
Apricots contain many antioxidants, which include beta carotene and other vitamins with antioxidant properties. Apricots also contain flavonoids, which is a group of antioxidants potentially linked with positive effects on illnesses such as heart diseases and diabetes.

Flavonoids work by neutralizing free radicals in our bodies, which are responsible for causing oxidative stress and damaging our cells. Additionally, consuming flavonoids may help lower inflammation. A 2015 study found growing evidence that flavonoids may have an anti-inflammatory effect in relation to certain chronic diseases.

The addition of dried apricots to our daily diets may help provide a healthy, natural supply of these vital compounds.

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