Can Dogs Eat Sesame Seeds? Plus, What Other Seeds They Can Eat – GWC Mag

by gwcmag

Your dogs may love sharing snacks with you, but certain seeds just aren’t safe options for your four-legged friends.

Kori Williams - Author
A dog staring at a burger with sesame seeds on the bun.
Source: iStock

We love our dogs and sharing our lives with them. Unfortunately, that can’t always include what we eat. Plenty of human foods aren’t safe for dogs, and it’s always important to know what your four-legged friends put in their mouths.

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For many people, different kinds of seeds are a fun snack or addition to various meals. But can dogs eat sesame seeds? They are very small so they may not seem dangerous for pups at first glance, but the size may not be the only issue. Here’s what you need to know — plus, other kinds of seeds that might be healthy or dangerous for your furry friend.

A wooden spoon full sesame seeds over a pile of the seeds.
Source: iStock

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Can dogs eat sesame seeds?

Yes, dogs can eat sesame seeds. According to AZ Animals, these seeds aren’t toxic or dangerous for your furry friend to eat. However, you should be careful with how much you feed your dog at one time.

When feeding your beloved pet any food that is new to them, it’s always safest to give them a small amount at first. That way, if your pup is allergic or anything else goes wrong, any negative reactions won’t be as serious. It could also help to let a vet or other pet professional know about the seeds beforehand so they are prepared for you to come see them just in case.

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Three white puppies eating from dog bowls.
Source: iStock

Additionally, AZ Animals points out that sesame seeds have high amounts of fiber and fat. Feeding your dog too many sesame seeds at once could upset their stomach or make it difficult for them to defecate. Additionally, PetMD states that things with high-fat content can lead to pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas, so be sure not to feed your pup too many sesame seeds.

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Another reason why feeding your dog sesame seeds daily isn’t a good idea: the seeds are small enough to be a choking hazard.

While these seeds aren’t unhealthy, Rover says they don’t offer health benefits either. There are other, more nutritious options to feed your friend, like cantaloupe or spinach, which are tasty but aren’t as small.

Which seeds are toxic for dogs?

Rover points out that not all seeds are the same. Chia, hemp, pumpkin, and quinoa are just a few options that won’t harm your pet. Butternut Box also says that flaxseeds are safe.

Seeds that are toxic for dogs notably include apple seeds, which contain a chemical called cyanide that can be poisonous.

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A big white dog being hand-fed by a woman.
Source: iStock

Plus, the pits of avocados, cherries, and other fruit seeds can also be harmful to dogs. If your dog has a preexisting stomach condition or pancreatitis, seeds and nuts should be avoided regardless of how much your pet wants a taste.

If you’re unsure of what’s best for your dog, always consider speaking to your vet about their diet. They should be one of the people who know your best friend the best and can steer you both in the right direction.

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