Can Lifestyle Choices Impact Breast Cancer Risk? Expert Explains | Health News – GWC Mag

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Breast cancer remains a significant public health concern, affecting millions of women worldwide. While certain risk factors, such as genetics and family history, are beyond our control, several lifestyle choices play a crucial role in determining an individual’s susceptibility to this disease.

Dr Shefali Sardana, Principal Consultant – Oncology, Max Smart Super Speciality Hospital, Saket explains how lifestyle choices including diet may contribute to breast cancer risk. 

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Common Signs And Symptoms Of Breast Cancer 

Dr Sardana shares common signs and symptoms of breast cancer: 

– Lump in breast

– Bleeding / abnormal discharge from the nipple

– Breast skin changes or ulceration

– Recent onset Asymmetrical appearance of the breast

Importance Of Early Detection of Breast Cancer

Dr Sardana explains that screening for cancers at an early stage increases the chances to cure breast cancer. Also in selected cases of early breast cancer, chemotherapy can be avoided.

How Does Regular Exercise Affect A Person’s Susceptibility To Breast Cancer?

Dr Sardana explains literature suggests that obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle a risks for breast cancer. Regular exercise regulates body mass Index and reduces body fat and hence decreases the risk of breast cancer by 10-20 percent than women who aren’t active.

How To Reduce Breast Cancer Risk Through Lifestyle Choices?

Dr Sardana shares recommendations to reduce breast cancer risk: 

– Stop consuming Alcohol and stop smoking

– Do Regular exercises and balance your weight

– Reduce stress by doing meditation and consuming spiritual content and good sleep habits

– Eat healthy and preferably home-cooked food

Any Specific Dietary Habits That May Increase Or Decrease Breast Cancer Risk

Dr Sardana explains that eating healthy reduces the risk of many lifestyle Diseases. By maintaining weight and improving the immune system, the risk of breast cancer is reduced. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, a calcium-rich diet, and vitamin D can reduce the risk of breast cancer while a diet laden with fats, red meat, or processed foods increases the risk of breast cancer.

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