DPS Will Honor Warranty for Next of Kin – GWC Mag

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Let’s just dive into this morbid subject. If you die, what will happen to your skis?

DPS forced me (and now, you) to face my own mortality on a lovely Wednesday afternoon. Here I am, sitting in the sunshine, typing on a computer, and BAM!

“Have you ever thought about what to do with a pair of skis in the event that they last longer than you do?” read the press release.

No … no, I have not. Should I? Shoot, what about all my gear?! (*Insert rising anxiety level. Gosh, I need to make sure my affairs are in order. Who will care for my tents?!)

Fortunately (?), DPS has you covered.

First Will and Testament for Your Skis

While most skiers probably haven’t spent much time pondering who will get their skis if they meet an untimely end, DPS has now gone ahead and done that for us. The unsettling email continued:

Earlier this ski season, DPS Skis launched a one-of-a-kind in the ski industry lifetime warranty for all full carbon skis (Kaizen, Pagoda Tour, Pagoda, Pagoda Piste, Lotus and Powderworks models) purchased after July 1, 2022. Now, DPS is going one step further and extending that warranty to your willed heir for those skis. DPS expects your skis to live a full life with you, but, given the lifespan of their aerospace carbon, polyamide topsheets, Rockwell 48 steel edges, World Cup race bases and premium wood cores, there’s a very real possibility that you’ll be able to pass your DPS skis down when it’s your time.

OK, that sounds like a pretty sweet deal for my beneficiary. Not only will they get a pair of highly regarded, full-carbon DPS skis, but they’ll also come with a lifetime warranty.

And yeah, this smells like some clever marketing to me too. But hey, I checked out the warranty page and, sure enough, you can download your Will & Testament right there.

So the short of it is, buy one of the qualifying pairs of DPS skis listed above and make sure to include them in your will. Probably choose someone you like. Then, you’ll actually have to fill out a legal document to make it happen.

Being the most OK-est journalist, I took the step of downloading the Will and Testament document. I’m not a lawyer, but it seems pretty legally binding to me. Check it out below.

It passes ownership, and a ski’s lifetime warranty, on to a willed heir of your choosing, according to the sinister, foreboding email. For more details, please check out the DPS Will & Testament homepage.

Now, can we add an “unless they didn’t dig me out of the avalanche when they could have” clause?

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