Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Who Posted Pictures of Guillotines and Promised Herd Immunity Would Arrive 3-6 Months After Lockdowns Ended, Fired for “Clinging to the Truth”. – GWC Mag

by gwcmag

Dr. Martin Kulldorff, who claimed in October 2020 that the mass infection of hundreds of millions of unvaccinated Americans would lead to herd immunity in under 6-months, was recently fired from Harvard. Dr. Kulldorff, who said in April 2020, “Around 1/3 of ppl in Stockholm has now had COVID-19, and it is likely to be the first place to reach herd immunity,” said that he was fired for “clinging to the truth.”

In an article about his firing titled Harvard Tramples the Truth, Dr. Kulldorff, who in May 2020 said, “Daily reported COVID-19 cases has dropped to half in Stockholm, where herd immunity will arrive first,” said that:

The Harvard motto is Veritas, Latin for truth. But, as I discovered, truth can get you fired.

Dr. Kulldorff, who promised in December 2020 that once lockdowns ended, the “pandemic will then be naturally over in 3-6 months,” said:

Veritas has not been the guiding principle of Harvard leaders.

Dr. Kulldorff, who said in December 2021 that COVID, which killed hundreds of children, was less deadly “than the already low risk from the annual influenza,” which killed a 1 child, blasted Harvard saying:

That’s not the path to truth.

Dr. Kulldorff, who said in December 2021, “The pandemic ends when enough people have natural immunity after Covid recovery” added:

Harvard and the wider scientific community have much work to do to deserve and regain public trust. 

Dr. Kulldorff, who said, “we have seen only a handful of reinfections…recovery from infection will provide lasting protection against reinfection” and that infected children “have strong natural immunity that protects them from covid infections as they get older” asked in his article:

What is science if we do not humbly pursue the truth?

Dr. Kulldorff, a pandemic celebrity who advised President Trump and Ron DeSantis despite never treating a single COVID patient, expressed pity for his fate, saying:

Having also been censored by LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube, I could not freely communicate as a scientist.

Dr. Kulldorff, who said, “Faucism and Fascism are not the same, but there are some similarities”, expressed great dismay that he was called a mean name -“fringe epidemiologist”- in a private email.

Dr. Kulldorff, who threatened besieged public health officials by posting a picture of a guillotine, extolled the virtue of “civilized debates” saying:

When scientists have different takes on topics of public importance, universities should organize open and civilized debates to pursue the truth.

Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Who Posted Pictures of Guillotines and Promised Herd Immunity Would Arrive 3-6 Months After Lockdowns Ended, Fired for “Clinging to the Truth”. – GWC Mag

Dr. Kulldorff, who compared children wearing masks to the Taliban’s brutal treatment of women, added:

The pursuit of truth requires academic freedom with open, passionate, and civilized scientific discourse, with zero tolerance for slander, bullying, or cancellation. 

Dr. Kulldorff, who said in June 2021, “The pandemic is on its way out”, concluded his article by saying:

Science cannot survive in a society that does not value truth and strive to discover it.

  • Dr. Jonathan Howard is a neurologist and psychiatrist who has been interested in vaccines since long before COVID-19. He is the author of “We Want Them Infected: How the failed quest for herd immunity led doctors to embrace the anti-vaccine movement and blinded Americans to the threat of COVID.”

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