You can take many actions to make the world a better place and help the planet thrive. Even how you drive to the store, school, or work can reduce your environmental impact, and using an electric or fuel-efficient car is just one part of the equation. How you fill and equip your vehicle can also make a big difference. Enter sustainable bamboo car accessories.
From bamboo seat covers to mobile phone holders, the sky’s the limit to how you can accessorize your vehicle with these sustainable flowering plants. In addition to helping you be more environmentally friendly, many of these items may even save your life in a pinch.
Why Bamboo Is The Answer
Switching out your plastic seat cover for one made out of bamboo may not seem like a way to save the world, but you may be surprised at how great bamboo can be. For starters, bamboo grows relatively quickly, usually taking only a few years to mature, unlike hardwood trees, which take decades. Plus, since it’s a natural material that decomposes over time without polluting the environment, it’s sustainable throughout its lifecycle.
Bamboo is also very resilient and can last a long time. It’s even been known to withstand the atomic blast in Hiroshima in 1945, so it can certainly handle being in the heat of your locked car during the summer.
Finally, it also helps the environment. Bamboo groves absorb a lot of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, so they actively help fight climate change. It also requires less water to grow than other crops. The bottom line is that you can get some stylish products and do your part to help the planet with bamboo accessories.
Bamboo Products To Make Driving More Comfortable
As time goes on, more companies are creating fun, stylish, and helpful bamboo car accessories to make life better on the road. Start with a bamboo beaded or smooth seat cover, which you can online. The covers are comfortable all season, and they’ll protect you from hot seats. Plus, since they’re made of bamboo, they’re also very durable and will last for years. You can find a seat cover for almost any type of vehicle.
There are also unique bamboo car accessories, like trays made from bamboo that hook to your steering wheel. While you shouldn’t use them while your vehicle is in operation, they are a wonderful item to have when you’re enjoying a lunch break in your car or trying to finish a report on your laptop before heading to work.
Many people are seeing the beauty and benefits of bamboo, so they’re creating their own products, such as this bamboo folding table top for the center console. Search online, and you can also find floor mats made out of bamboo sticks that are extra durable and will keep your car from getting dirty.
Bamboo And Driving Safely
Just like using products made from bamboo can help you save the planet, sometimes bamboo can protect and save you while you’re on the road.
One of the biggest potential causes of car accidents is the unsafe usage of technology, especially cell phones. While many devices allow you to call, text, and control apps with your voice, you’re still likely required to take your eyes off the road to look at your phone. You can avoid that potentially dangerous scenario by investing in a bamboo mobile phone holder that can keep your phone out of eyesight, so you reduce the chance of an accident.
If you absolutely must have internet while driving, consider getting internet for your car. This allows you to use voice commands without taking your eyes off the road.
Driving can be hazardous during the winter, especially when traveling in snow and ice, so you must be careful. Don’t follow too close to vehicles in front of you so you have enough time to stop. If you do need to slow down, brake gently so you don’t skid. Also, be aware of the possibility that your car could get stuck in the snow. One of the perks of bamboo is its strength and durability, so get a resilient bamboo snow shovel to help you out of jams. You can also invest in an ice scraper with a bamboo handle.
Finally, consider investing in clothing made from bamboo fabric so you can stay warm if you’re ever stranded on the roadside. Coats, shirts, and outfits made from bamboo provide exceptional insulation so you can stay warm, and they’re very breathable, so you’ll stay comfortable, too.
When it comes to vehicle travel, bamboo accessories are a must. You’ll have dependable equipment that will add to your comfort and protect you from the elements. Plus, you’ll be doing the planet a great service.
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