Dual-award PhD programme between The University of Manchester and IIT Kharagpur, India – GWC Mag

Project Title: An integrated framework for Urban and Human interactions to optimise thermal comfort and energy use.

This project aims to develop a Digital Twin model of integrated frameworks for Urban Building Energy Modelling, urban micro-climate models and urban informatics to simulate and characterise the relationship between indoor comfort and inter-building energy-exchange dynamics for a given micro-climate. The proposed digital twin will be used to characterise the relationships between user thermal comfort, energy demand, outside temperature and UHI-induced heat stress. This will help us to develop strategies to reduce cooling demand (e.g., passive measures/ green infrastructure), manage urban energy infrastructure, shift user behaviours for adapting to extreme heat, and quantify short-term changes in cooling energy demand.

Up to 3 fully funded scholarships are available for suitable candidates to benefit from the world-class academic supervision of two globally renowned universities as they spend two years each at IIT Kharagpur, India and Tyndal Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Manchester.

Applications will close on Monday 4 March 2024. Interviews will take place during the week commencing 15 April 2024.

For more details and application, please visit: https://tinyurl.com/bdmv6fyv

and https://international.iitkgp.ac.in/admission/jdp-uoman/

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