Earth911 Podcast: CEO Alex Hall On Mixing Embodied Carbon Out Of the Built Environment – GWC Mag

The built environment will evolve constantly, and reports that 75% of the infrastructure that will be in use by 2050 has not yet been built. That calls for a lot of concrete, and we need to avoid the emissions associated with that growth if we are to provide housing, workplaces, and everything that connects humanity on an equitable basis in a decarbonized world. Meet Alex Hall, CEO of, which uses an artificial intelligence-based mixing platform to create affordable, lower-carbon concrete for any job based on the application and available materials. claims its mixing solution reduces carbon emissions by an average of 30% compared to traditional concrete, and its goal is to eliminate a half-billion tons of concrete-related emissions annually.

Alex Hall, CEO of, is our guest on Sustainability In Your Ear.

Concrete, as we have discussed several times on the show, is one of the biggest sources of CO2 emissions in the world, accounting for between six percent and eight percent of annual carbon emissions. In the United States, we use 415 million cubic yards of concrete each year — that translates into about as much concrete as is in Hoover Dam being poured every 3 and 3/4 days.’s technology, which is called Concrete Copilot, is an interesting solution because it can be applied to many different combinations of materials. That is especially useful in locations where supplies are in short supply and therefore expensive. You can learn more about at

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