Earth911 Special Video Event: How Saving Krill Could Help Save The Planet – GWC Mag

by gwcmag

Earth911 Special Video Event: How Saving Krill Could Help Save The Planet – GWC Mag

Tune in for an important conversation about the future of krill, the billions of tiny crustaceans that are a keystone in the food chain of the Southern Ocean that surrounds Antarctica. Overfishing of krill to make Omega-3 oil products also threatens a vital carbon sink that pulls planet-warming CO2 from the environment. This special video event features environmental journalist Ashlan Cousteau of EarthEcho International, Doug Heske, Dan Wheeler, and Matt Zimmer of Newday Impact Investing, Millicent Pitts CEO of Ocean Founding Principal Aaron Niederhelman, Philipp Stratton, President and CEO of Ocean Power Technologies, environmental activist Melissa Walton, and Elizabeth Kim, director of the U.S. State Department’s Office of Ocean and Polar Affairs

Krill and many other species could be protected by introducing marine protected areas, or MPAs, regions of the Southern Ocean that will be set aside from commercial exploitation by a treaty currently under negotiation. But there are financial and political challenges on the path to protection. Get the story and learn what you can do to help.

Earth911 and Intentional Futures’ Mitch Ratcliffe hosted the event but could not participate in the conversation because of connectivity issues.

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