Below the giant peaks of the Himalaya, the valleys of Nepal have a remarkable potential for rock climbing.
A growing community of locals wants to get the best out of it. Some of them, under the umbrella of Peak Fifteen Foundation, led by UIAGM guide Vinallak Malla, have been opening and bolting routes in the Manang district.
Now, they have finished the first-ever route guidebook to crag climbing in Nepal. It describes 40 routes of all levels of difficulty around Manang, and includes info about grades, accommodation, how to get there, etc. ”
It took us two years,” Malla told ExplorersWeb.
Malla finished the guide just in time because in a few days, he gets back to work, guiding on Everest for Elite Exped.
This book is just a start. “I think Manang is a future rock climbing hub,” said Malla. “We are looking forward to developing more areas.”
The topo guide is free, and you can download it here.

Vinayak Malla bolts a route. Photo: Manishh Tamang