Five Columbia Climate Researchers Honored by Leading Scientific Organizations – GWC Mag

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Five Columbia Climate Researchers Honored by Leading Scientific Organizations

Five scientists connected to the Columbia Climate School are being  honored by major scientific organizations this fall.

Melissa Lott

Melissa Lott, senior director of research at the Center on Global Energy Policy, has received the 2023 Pavel S. Molchanov Climate Communications Prize from the American Geophysical Union (AGU). The prize is given annually “in recognition for the communication of climate science to promote scientific literacy, clarity of message, and efforts to foster respect and understanding of science-based values.” It comes with a $25,000 award.

The AGU, which is the world’s largest earth and space sciences association, also honored three scientists from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

Michela Biasutti

Atmospheric scientist Michela Biasutti, who studies variations in rainfall and their relation to climate, was awarded the Jule Gregory Charney Lecture. The invitation to give the Charney Lecture is given each year “to a prominent scientist who has made exceptional contributions to the understanding of weather and climate.”


Adam Sobel

Suzana Camargo

Two Lamont scientists were declared fellows of the AGU, an honor given to members “who have made exceptional contributions to Earth and space science through a breakthrough, discovery, or innovation in their field.” Meteorologist and climatologist Adam Sobel was named “for outstanding contributions to understanding of tropical meteorology and climate.” Physicist and climate scientist Suzana Camargo was cited “for outstanding contributions that have advanced our understanding of tropical cyclones and their relation to climate variability and change.”

Richard Seager

Climate scientist Richard Seager was honored by the American Meteorological Society with its Jule G. Charney Medal. The society noted his “significant and innovative contributions in the attribution of past droughts and floods, and to understanding the impact of rising greenhouse gases on future hydroclimate.”


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