Green Tech From Renewable Energy Vermont « Green Energy Times – GWC Mag gwcmagFebruary 24, 2024028 views On March 1st, new net-metering, 248 CPG, and interconnection rules will go into effect. The implementation of these rules updates is complicated by the fact that the PUC has not yet released the new application forms for net-metering and interconnection specified in the rules revisions. The PUC will be has announced training on the new net-metering and 248 CPG processes: ePUC Training – Commission Rule 5.400 (Section 248) Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM ePUC Training – Commission Rule 5.100 (Net-Metering) Thursday, February 29, 2024, 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM Participants may access both training sessions online at, or call in by telephone using the following information: phone number: +1 (571) 317-3116; access code: 556-066-941. These trainings will be recorded and will be available on the PUC website. Here are a few changes that you should be aware of: Energy storage projects will now be required to complete an interconnection application For projects larger than 15 kW, Interconnection Applications will need to be completed and approved prior to submitting a registration/application for a CPG All timelines in the rules are in calendar days rather than business days Interconnection of Battery Storage Projects: Starting 3/1, all battery storage projects will need to complete an Interconnection Application that will be filed with the connecting utility. If this is a storage-only project (smaller than 100 kW), our understanding is that there will not be any parallel PUC process, it will simply be a matter of the utility approving the interconnection. The maximum timeline for utility review is 15 calendar days for projects 15 kW and smaller and 31 calendar days for projects up to 500 kW (if the utility identifies an interconnection issue, the timeline could get longer). Since companies cannot currently submit these applications, we are asking the PUC to delay this requirement until 4/1. GMP has said that they will file a letter in support of our request but do not know what the PUC’s response will be. In the event that the PUC holds the 3/1 deadline, this could create a disruption in companies ability to install batteries in March as applications could be pending for the first 15 to 31 days after they are submitted. GMP has indicated that they will turn battery storage applications very quickly but this may vary from utility to utility. We will share the new forms as soon as they are available.