Gaza: Doctors of the World office destroyed, as medics are forced to amputate without anaesthetic – GWC Mag

by gwcmag

Doctors of the World’s office in Gaza City has been destroyed in what the charity has called a deliberate attack and a “further demonstration of the blatant violations of international humanitarian law” taking place in Gaza “on a daily basis.”1

In an interview with The BMJ, the charity’s vice president, France Jean-François Corty, said that no staff were in the building at the time but that the charity received no warning of the attack and had previously shared the building’s address with the Israeli authorities to ensure it would not be targeted.

A few days before the attack, a staff member and his family, including his unwell child, had been sheltering inside the offices. The building was surrounded by Israeli forces and tanks, and soldiers eventually entered the office. They separated …

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