Get Ready – MIPS 2023 Data Submission Period isn’t Far Now! – GWC Mag

All in all, MIPS 2023 has been a hard time for participants. Anyhow, those with the best MIPS reporting plans have managed to stand by in the hardest times. Moving from one benchmark to another, participants have collected the MIPS reporting data. We know that every category of MIPS reporting has separate data completeness requirements. So, it is not an easy task to complete or exceed data completeness criteria.

The performance year 2023 began on January 1, 2023, and continues until December 31, 2023. The participants have selected the appropriate reporting measures and activities for MIPS 2023. However according to the MIPS 2023 timeline, now we are very close to the data submission period. Soon the 2023 performance period will end, and from January 2, 2024, the data submission window will open. So, get ready for the data submission phase and complete your reporting documentation.

Now the question is, how could we submit data to CMS? Well, that’s what the blog for today is about.

Let’s just dig in and explore what information we have gathered for you!

MIPS 2023 Data Submissions

Data submission is one of the most critical stages of reporting. The old MIPS participants already know what the right track is for data submission. However, we know the CMS protocols and requirements keep changing. And it is hard for busy clinicians to keep up with all of them. So, this blog is a guide for all MIPS reporting participants, old or new.

At this point, we are recalling one thing that was planned earlier and even mentioned in the MIPS 2023 rule. It is none other than the sunset of the CMS web interface portal for MIPS data submission specifically. However, this doesn’t apply for Medicare ACO reporting.

How do I Submit Data for MIPS 2023?

Now, without complicating things any further, let’s see how one can submit data to CMS! After the exclusion of the CMS web interface, participants can submit data using one of the following ways:

  • With the help of MIPS qualified registries like P3 Care
  • By EHR vendors
  • Via Qualified Clinical Data Registries

There are three simple steps for doing so:

  1. Navigate to the Quality Payment Program sign-in page.
  2. For a successful sign-in, enter your QPP access credentials.
  3. Submit your MIPS data for the fiscal year 2023. Take your time while choosing your PY, and be sure you’ve chosen the correct option. You can also log in just to see the data reported on your behalf by any MIPS qualified registry.

Specifications for MIPS 2023 Data Reporting

Some protocols must be followed during the MIPS data submission process.

  • To begin, you must sign up for the HCIQS Authorization Roles and Profile (HARP) system. If you have limited information regarding this, no worries. You can simply access a brief tutorial accessible on the QPP access user guide for enrolling in the HARP. Check out that tutorial on QPP’s website right away.
  • Before submitting data, confirm your eligibility for MIPS 2023 reporting. Are you aware that achieving QP status at any level of MIPS reporting entitles you to an instant exemption? Other causes, however, may exist. That’s why the MIPS eligibility check is mandatory. CMS updates information regarding the finalized eligibility status. Go and check your eligibility at the QPP status tool.
  • Early reporting data submission saves time for data review. Thereby, cMS promotes early submissions.

FAQs: Common Queries for MIPS Data Submission

Is It Possible to Edit Data That I’ve Submitted?

Many MIPS participants have the same concerns. Well, CMS gives users the flexibility to edit reported data to a certain extent during the submission period. Once the submission window closes, nothing can be done. It is better to learn about all the options available for modifying submitted MIPS data. We, as a MIPS qualified registry, can guide you in detail. Catch us for our MIPS consulting services.

What Happens If There Are Data Errors?

The MIPS data you submit to CMS directly impacts your MIPS final scores. CMS evaluates it and calculates the final score. So, any error in MIPS data submission is not bearable. One must explore all the corrective measures to address errors in your MIPS submission.

Is it possible to opt out of MIPS?

Yes, it is quite possible. In fact, it is truly their call to opt out of MIPS reporting. Those MIPS participants who don’t submit data during the submission period are considered ‘opt-out’.


The MIPS data submission period is a very important phase for all MIPS participants. On the basis of the submitted data, CMS makes the payment adjustments. Therefore, participants must adopt a proactive and strategic approach to the submission process. Here is a simple tip for P3 Care experts: Comprehensive documentation in CMS-accepted format is the backbone of MIPS data submission. A comprehensive document is one with a clear display of patient encounters, procedures, and outcomes. Such documentation not only supports your submission but also strengthens your compliance posture.

Stay connected with us for more guidelines and updates regarding MIPS 2023 reporting. As a MIPS qualified registry, we are ready to accompany you in your reporting journey.

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