Green Tech If It’s Broke: Fix It – Part 1 – GWC Mag gwcmagJanuary 5, 2024056 views I’ve been tearing down the COP process for a reason: to convince people of COP’s glaring shortcomings and consider changes to create a better path forward. For those who want to check out the previous posts the links are below. To create that better path I offer 10 possible changes. Today, recommendations one through 5. Recommendation #1: Stop imagining that the 1.5 degree C goal is still attainable. It isn’t, and it’s counterproductive to continue thinking it’s possible. The better approach is to set a new and achievable target and develop a strategy to support achieving it. It should be a “stretch” or aggressive goal, but it has to be doable. Recommendation #2: Make all commitments binding. The idea of an “honor system” creates a false sense of security. It’s foolish to set expectations based on commitments when the likelihood is that actual results will fall well short. The argument against making commitments binding is that many countries will drop out. That may be true, or it may mean countries will make more realistic commitments. No matter, even if countries drop out, we’ll know who’s serious and who isn’t. Recommendation #3: If commitments are binding, there have to be consequences to not meeting them. A financial penalty is the simplest way. I would base it on country GDP or some other proportional method. I would also have countries deposit money in escrow to be withdrawn for non-compliance, and/or put all collected penalties in escrow to be used to fund underfunded programs. These are details that can be worked out. Recommendation #4: We need valid and consistent metrics to measure the success of individual countries. I prefer per capita metrics because they generally create a level playing field. However, there are undoubtedly many good measurements. The point is select one or more that are fair to all parties and effective in achieving the goal. Recommendation #5: Go virtual. It’s just a bad look for 85,000 people to add to global emissions to meet to reduce emissions. COP should be an example of how complex issues such as climate change can be addressed using technology. The world proved during the pandemic that doing so is possible. Tomorrow – recommendations 6 through 10. Previous posts on COP Part 1: All Hat and No Cattle Part2: Data Don’t Lie People Do Part3: First Stocktake: Grade F Part4: It’s Not Who’s Present that Matters – It’s Who’s Absent