Home ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES James Cromwell Calls for an End to Carriage Horse Abuse in Video – GWC Mag

James Cromwell Calls for an End to Carriage Horse Abuse in Video – GWC Mag

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Award-winning actor and animal advocate James Cromwell filmed a passionate video plea urging NYC Council Speaker Adrienne Adams to end the horrific abuse of carriage horses and asked her to do the “right and compassionate thing” by passing Ryder’s Law in the New York City Council.
NYCLASS is thrilled that James Cromwell is using his strong voice and passionate advocacy to join the campaign to end the ongoing neglect and criminal abuse of New York’s long-suffering carriage horses and we are proud to partner with him to urge NYC Council Speaker Adrienne Adams and the entire City Council to fast-track and pass Ryder’s Law, named after the abused horse Ryder who was worked to death last year.

This systematic horse abuse and cruelty is a shame on New York City that must end. The easy solution is for City Council to pass and enact Ryder’s Law (Intro 573)  to replace cruel and unsafe horse carriages with cruelty-free electric carriages which would provide better jobs and wages for drivers and owners, and a safer Midtown for all. 

It’s time to release the carriage horses from misery to waiting sanctuaries and rescue farms where they can receive proper veterinary care, lifelong love and care and the ability to run free on grass as horses are meant to do.

Take Action to End Horse Abuse with One Phone Call

Ryder’s Law (Intro 573), a City Council bill sponsored by Councilmember Robert Holden, will replace cruel horse carriages with modern electric carriages. In addition to ending horse abuse and deaths and making Manhattan streets safer for everyone, the legislation will also provide better jobs for drivers. 

Please call NYC Council Speaker Adrienne Adams at 718-206-2068 and 212-788-7210 or email at SpeakerAdams@council.nyc.gov and ask her to “Please use your power as head of the NYC Council to “END horse abuse by advancing and passing Intro 573 to replace deadly, unsafe horse carriages with cruelty-free electric carriages.”

NEW YORKERS: FIND YOUR NYC COUNCIL MEMBER HERE TO make one quick call/email, to ask them to “Please sign on as a co-sponsor to Intro 573 to replace suffering, dying carriage horses with cruelty-free electric carriages.” Make sure you tell them that you live in their district!

Tiny Rescue Animal Collection
Tiny Rescue Animal Collection

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