Jannu Climbers Rousseau and Cornell Recovering In Hospital » Explorersweb – GWC Mag

by gwcmag

The climbing community has reacted enthusiastically to news of success on Jannu’s North Face. An American team apparently completed one of the most formidable north faces in the Himalayas in alpine style, marking the first time anyone has completed the route in this fashion.

We don’t know much about the climb yet, but it has left some scars on the climbers. “Alan Rousseau and Jackson Marvell have been admitted to CIWEC hospital, Matt Cornell is with them,” outfitter Grand Himalaya Expeditions told ExplorersWeb.

A social media post from Dawa Jangzum Sherpa confirmed the news:

A Facebook story posted yesterday by Dawa Yangzum Sherpa from The North Face Team, at the hospital with Rousseau and Marvell.

A Facebook story posted yesterday by Dawa Yangzum Sherpa from The North Face Team, at the hospital with Rousseau and Marvell.


Fortunately, both injured climbers look well, except for some bandages on one of Rousseau’s hands.

Yesterday, Grand Himalaya’s post announcing the summit news inadvertently switched the names of American climbers in two teams sharing the climbing permit for Jannu, creating some confusion. Sources in the U.S. later confirmed that the summit team comprised Rousseau, Cornell, and Marvell (as originally planned). Meanwhile, Sam Hennessey and Michael Gardner formed a second team with a different climbing route in mind.

“Sam [Hennessey] and Michael [Gardner] are at Ghunsa today and they will be back in Kathmandu in a few days,” Grand Himalaya Expeditions added about the second American team.

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