Psoriasis appears just about everywhere on my body. Some spots are hard to treat, like those on my fingernails or scalp. Other areas are hard to hide, such as those on my face or hands.
Ear psoriasis, I’ve learned, is both difficult to manage and to conceal.
At my last dermatology appointment, I asked my doctor if the flaking and itchiness around, on, and in my ear could be eczema. (I am fortunate enough to have both eczema and psoriasis!) After an examination, she diagnosed ear psoriasis.
When I think about it, I’ve been living with both ear and scalp psoriasis since elementary school.
Ear Psoriasis Can Cause Burning Itch, Hearing Issues, and Inflamed and Scaly Skin
My ears were often clogged when I was a child, with flakes mixed with ear wax partially blocking my hearing. I needed to have my ear canal cleaned and drained by a healthcare professional periodically. I desperately wanted to clean out my ear canal myself, but adults warned me never to stick anything in my ear.
The discomfort in my ear canal would become unbearable. I rubbed and shook my ear from the outside, somehow hoping it would scratch that burning itch on the inside. It never quite did.
My ear folds and lobe often became crusty, cracked, and bloody during psoriatic flares. I could scratch those lesions, giving me temporary relief, but doing so only made the psoriasis there redder, thicker, and more irritated.
To make matters worse, my eyeglasses rubbed the psoriasis behind my ears raw. I self-consciously wondered if classmates were staring at my inflamed, scaly ears.
Those same issues followed me into adulthood. Recently, I found I couldn’t comfortably wear my AirPods because of psoriasis around my outer ear canal.
At least now I have a better idea about psoriasis treatment for my ears.
Effective Ear Psoriasis Treatment Can Ease Discomfort
My ear psoriasis, like the psoriasis on the rest of my body, has improved a lot since I started using biologics 20 years ago. The one I’m currently on has done the best job. Still, I have stubborn psoriasis on and around my ear, as well as in my ear canal.
My dermatologist provided useful suggestions on how to manage these issues. For the earlobe, folds, and the backs of my ears she prescribed a mild topical steroid ointment. Since the skin around the ear is sensitive and thin, she told me not to use a topical steroid that is stronger.
She then reiterated that I should not put anything in my ear canal, including cotton swabs or fingers. Instead, she prescribed generic DermOtic Oil (fluocinolone otic). The instructions on the box say to place drops in both ears twice a day for a couple of weeks.
Because of a recent unrelated COVID-19 infection, I decided to delay starting the ear drops, although I have used them before. The mild topical steroid on and around my ear is already working to clear out the inflammation and minimize flaking.
I’m also remembering to moisturize my ears when I apply moisturizer to the rest of my body in the evening and morning. The skin on my ears feels less irritated already.
Taking Action About Ear Psoriasis Feels Better Than Avoiding It
It’s frustrating to think how psoriasis spares almost no part of my body. Dealing with ear psoriasis feels like another indignity I’d rather not have to deal with or talk about.
Proactively addressing psoriasis concerns is one important way I cope. Avoidance leads to greater anxiety and, often, worsening skin. I feel better when I am working closely with my dermatologist and doing something in my control to treat and care for my psoriasis.
Another key to coping is to educate myself. The more I understand about ear psoriasis the less I fear it. For example, I found a National Psoriasis Foundation podcast called Psound Bytes quite helpful. The episode, from June 18, 2019, is titled “Let’s Hear About Ear Psoriasis.”
In the podcast, Abby Van Voorhees, MD, the chair of dermatology at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, gives a great overview of ear psoriasis, including other treatments my dermatologist did not mention, such as nonsteroidal topical creams, phototherapy, and excimer laser.
Hearing about Dr. Voorhees’s clinical experiences with ear psoriasis patients helped me feel less alone.
Accepting Your Skin Challenges Can Put You on the Path to Healing
Another way to cope is perhaps the hardest: acceptance. I naturally want psoriasis to go away. When I’m stuck in that negativity, I quickly fall into fruitless activities to distract myself, like binge-watching sports.
Coming to terms with my psoriasis is a process that brings about acceptance and the will to move forward.
If you’re feeling frustrated by psoriasis in sensitive areas like the ears, take a moment to first acknowledge those feelings. Then courageously return to doing what’s necessary to treat it effectively and learn more about it.
I’m glad I asked my dermatologist about my ear psoriasis. She put me on a path to finding relief and feeling better about my ears.
Even better, I can now listen to my music with AirPods again.