Manage Your Cholesterol with Delicious, Affordable Food! – GWC Mag

by gwcmag

Heart-healthy Eating is Delicious, Nutritious and Won’t Cost the Earth – and You’ll Manage Your Cholesterol Easily Too!


Two hearts in plate with cutlery. Romantic dinner in restaurant concept. Meeting of lovers at wedding reception.




Looking after your heart is worth the effort – and luckily, it doesn’t have to break the bank. Raised cholesterol can lead to heart disease. October is National Cholesterol Month – but it makes sense to choose good-cholesterol foods all year round. Here are some of the best foods to manage cholesterol.


With thanks to Heart UK, the Cholesterol Charity


Pulses: affordability meets nutrient richness

Pulses such as beans, peas and lentils pack a powerful nutritional punch. They’re rich in protein and fibre and low in saturated fat, as well as cheap to buy. They’re a great addition to your recipes without straining your finances.

Embrace tinned beans and lentils – they’re ready to transform your dishes with minimal effort.

Replace at least 50% of meat with lentils or beans in stews, curries, and pasta sauces. (I make a delicious lasagne with 40% extra-lean mince and 60% lentils – it’s yummy!).

Try going meatless at least twice a week and explore new flavors and recipes – pulses are great substitute for meat.

Make your own hummus (add tinned chickpeas, tahini paste or peanut butter, lemon juice, olive oil and water to a food processor or blender and whizz together – quick and simple) – it’s delicious as a dip. (And the tinned chickpea liquid (aquafaba) can be used as a vegan alternative to egg whites in recipes).

vegetable vegetarian meal in frying pan beans peppersAdd cannellini beans, butter beans, or green or brown lentils to a salad for lunch, or a quick stir-fry.

Reimagine mashed potatoes – blend in butter beans or any other tinned or canned beans for an extra layer of creaminess and flavour.

Roasted chickpeas are a delicious high-protein snack. Simply mix a drained tin of chickpeas (patted dry with a kitchen towel) with a teaspoon of oil, smoked paprika, cumin and coriander. Place onto a lined baking tray and bake in an oven for around 30 minutes. Move them around the tray halfway through so they dry out evenly and are crunchy.  Leave to cool and store in an airtight container.

Baked beans on toast was a staple when I was growing up – although I know it’s viewed as an odd meal in many parts of the world. Serve on wholegrain toast, and add mushrooms or salad for variety.

Using pulses throughout the week is a great way to enjoy managing your cholesterol.


Savour the seas – ingenious ways with fish

The current recommendation is to eat two portions of fish a week, one of which should be oily fish such as salmon or sardines or mackerel.

Tinned or canned seafood is easy on your pocket and easy to serve, often needing only a little cooking or no cooking at all. Here are some ideas

  • salmon is good for leptin hormone vitamins healthy foodAdd tinned tuna and sweetcorn on top of a jacket (baked) potato.
  • Enjoy tinned or canned sardines and sliced tomatoes on wholegrain toast.
  • Make fishcakes from tinned salmon – mix it with leftover mashed potato, diced onion, garlic, beaten egg and chopped parsley. Shape it into small cakes, coat with breadcrumbs and fry in a little hot oil for 3 or 4 minutes each side. Serve golden brown with a salad.
  • Top a salad with canned tuna or salmon
  • Use tinned fish in sandwiches instead of meat or cheese.
  • Frozen fish can be cheaper than fresh, and you can cook it from frozen (or thaw fillets in 15 to 20 minutes). The photo on the right shows a salmon fillet served with fresh vegetables, basil pesto, coriander or cilantro and citrus slices.


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Oats: A fibre champion

Oats contain a specific cholesterol-lowering fibre called beta-glucan.

Oats are not only for porridge and muesli – use oats as crunchy toppings on desserts and crumbles.

Add rolled oats to your favourite smoothie recipe – it will not only be more filling, but also thicker with a slightly nutty flavour.

If you’re short of time in the morning, make overnight oats the night before. Into an airtight container add oats, seeds, chopped up apple or frozen berries, and yogurt – put in the fridge overnight. The next morning, give it a quick stir and sprinkle with nuts.

Add oats to stews and soups to thicken and boost the fibre content.


Go nutty for nuts

nuts almond cashew glass jar lidCutting down on saturated fat and including more healthy unsaturated fats is a key part of managing your cholesterol. Harness the power of nuts – they’re a great source of these healthy fats and they’re packed with fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals too.

Enjoy as a savoury snack or as a mix with dried fruits for a touch of sweetness. A small handful is a portion.

Sprinkle nuts onto cereals and into yogurt, salads, stir fries and pastas to add a touch of indulgence and nourishment.

Walnuts are a good source of Alpha Linolenic Acid that helps maintain normal blood cholesterol levels.

Worried about too many calories? Don’t be! Scientific evidence shows that people who eat nuts regularly don’t weigh more than people who don’t eat nuts, probably because they can help keep you fuller for longer.



Pulses, tinned or canned fish, oats and nuts are all foods that help manage your cholesterol. They’re easy to use, tasty, and they’re budget-friendly too!

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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your FREE recipes for yummy smoothies that will keep you feeling full!  Click here.  

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