ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Nestlé, Cargill, and ETG | Beyond Beans Collaborate on Carbon Reduction Projects in Cocoa Supply Chains – GWC Mag gwcmagMarch 23, 2024031 views This article is included in these additional categories: In an ambitious push towards its net zero emissions goal by 2050, Nestlé has unveiled two pioneering projects in West Africa, conceived in collaboration with its suppliers, Cargill and ETG | Beyond Beans. These initiatives, spanning five years, are designed to mitigate and eliminate carbon emissions within its supply chains through agroforestry, the advancement of regenerative agriculture practices, and the reforestation of lands impacted by cocoa farming activities. Nestlé’s Net Zero Commitment The projects introduce various multipurpose shade trees to cocoa farmers in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire. Apart from offering protection against harsh sunlight and preserving moisture for cocoa crops during dry spells, these trees are critical in enhancing on-farm biodiversity, managing water efficiently, and absorbing atmospheric carbon. Aiming to plant over two million shade trees managed by nearly 20,000 farmers, these initiatives anticipate reducing and removing more than 550,000 tons of carbon over two decades. Darrell High, Global Cocoa Manager at Nestlé, emphasized the importance of these projects as milestones in Nestlé’s journey to net zero. He highlighted the necessity of working alongside dedicated suppliers and engaging local communities to forge sustainable land-use solutions that align with regional realities. Agroforestry and Reforestation Efforts in Cocoa Farming Central to these efforts is the engagement of local communities, who select fallow lands for reforestation and establish tree nurseries. These nurseries are crucial for raising seedlings that are later transplanted to farms. Participating farmers, already members of the Nestlé Cocoa Plan, commit voluntarily, with incentives provided for the care, nurture, and transplanting of these seedlings, ensuring their survival during the crucial initial years. Collaboration with Local Communities and Suppliers The collaboration extends beyond Nestlé and its suppliers, including the cocoa farming communities. Remi van Balen, Agroforestry and Environment Program Manager from ETG | Beyond Beans lauded the project. “We are proud to partner with Nestlé on this ground-breaking carbon reduction project that transitions away from business as usual.” Ursule Gatta, Cargill Partnership Officer Ivory Coast, remarked, “Our ambition is to scale up the project to cover 18 cooperatives over five years, aligned with the Nestlé Income Accelerator program. We are very proud to be a part of this.” Monitoring for Long-term Environmental Impact A rigorous carbon monitoring and accounting framework underpins these initiatives, ensuring the longevity and success of the environmental benefits. High-resolution satellite imagery will assist in the monitoring process, helping to verify the health and growth of the planted trees. Nestlé’s broader environmental strategy includes planting 200 million trees by 2030 across its global sourcing regions. By reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20% by 2025 and 50% by 2030 from its 2018 levels, Nestlé is on a clear path to achieving its net zero ambition by 2050, having already reported a 13.58% net reduction in emissions by 2023.