Sustainability plastic – Could microfiber shedding be slashed by using a proper detergent? – GWC Mag gwcmagOctober 18, 2023050 views Is this a real thing or just greenwashing? This problem of microplastic seemed so huge it’s hard to believe you could make such an enormous dent in it just using a right detergent Offering consumers a simple solution, Zara just launched the first laundry detergent designed to minimize microfiber shedding during washing. Developed in collaboration with BASF Home Care and I&I Solutions Europe, the liquid detergent is said to reduce microfiber release by up to 80%, depending on the type of fabric and how it’s washed. Laboratory testing also found that the formula is suitable for washing at low temperatures (down to 20°C), decreasing energy consumption. (from Trendwatching)