Project spreads the word about tax incentives for electric cars » Yale Climate Connections – GWC Mag

Federal tax credits can make it cheaper for people to buy electric cars. But not everyone is aware of these incentives.

Alfaro: “That information was not getting to the Latino community.”

That’s Steve Alfaro of Avanza EV, an initiative that was launched to get the word out.

Last summer, his team chose two apartment complexes in Maryland where many residents are Latino and low-income.

They knocked on doors, set up tables with information, and organized pop-up EV car shows at the apartments. All outreach was done in English and Spanish.

The residents were able to see various car models, hear from EV drivers about their experiences, and learn how to take advantage of federal incentives worth up to $7,500.

Alfaro: “I was able to bring this information to them. I really enjoyed seeing their eyes light up when they would realize that this was a real government program. I’m not lying to them, not selling them a vehicle. I’m just bringing the information to them.”

Alfaro says buying a car is a big investment, so low-income residents may be slower to switch to EVs.

But he says it’s critical that they hear about federal tax credits so they can take advantage of those incentives when the time is right for them — and no one is left behind in the transition to electric vehicles.

Reporting credit: ChavoBart Digital Media

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