Rainmatter Foundation Turns 3  – Sustainability Next – GWC Mag

At the 2023 Nature in Focus festival in Bengaluru Nitin Kamath, co-founder of Zerodha, which funds the Rainmatter Foundation, said that waking up every day is to see what social and environmental impact his foundation can make.

Rainmatter Foundation’s “Wheels in Motion’ shows how, in just three years, it has made a definitive impact. Its USP is a professional approach to grant-making. It supports organizations and communities which don’t easily get funded by traditional foundations or government agencies. It follows an entrepreneurial approach to funding climate action.

The range and breadth of projects RMF supports is wide. It currently supports 70 projects that range from agriculture and food systems, urban ecology, waste, energy, conservation and restoration. It also supports changemakers who contribute to engaging and meaningful dialogues. RMF co-sponsored the 3rd Green Literature Festival run by SustainabilityNext magazine.

The film emphasizes the power of collective action and the important role of individuals and communities in driving positive environmental change. It advocates informed hope, propelled by knowledge, science, and action, to address the challenges of the present and create a sustainable future.

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