Sustainability recycling – Do renewables have less carbon emissions than fossil fuels? – GWC Mag gwcmagFebruary 23, 2024036 views Wind turbines kill birds for example. That’s a carbon emissions, the bird being incinerated causes co2 in the atmosphere. Is there any evidence for this claim? I’m not making any claims here, I’m just proving the users can’t read and will delete the question. There doesn’t seem to be any accounting of carbon emissions and global warming by renewables. It’s known that wind turbines cause global warming for example, because they dissipate power generated by the wind into heat. In general nobody has bothered to evaluate the global warming effects of renewables or include them in carbon taxes. Is the argument for renewables poorly defined in terms of its parameters, ie, can I do things that “cause carbon emissions” that actually reduce them or vice versa, using IPCC and federal definitions of these concepts?