Reducing Energy Waste While Working Remotely – GWC Mag

by gwcmag

Let’s talk about ways to reduce energy waste during the pandemic.  For the pandemic has led to a surge in the popularity of remote work thereby creating an energy tree. Thereby resulting more people earning their income from their house. Whether it is handling customer calls for a support center, or completing data entry, remote work has plenty of advantages.

Nevertheless, this style of work has its own drawbacks, one of which is the increased energy consumption associated with working from home. Fortunately, there are many worthwhile strategies to minimize energy waste during remote work.

To begin, a simple but crucial step is unplugging electronic devices when they are not being used. Using a power strip to manage cords and turning off all devices before the end of the workday is a useful practice that reduces phantom energy usage. Another beneficial measure is switching from traditional lightbulbs to LED bulbs, which don’t use as much energy. 

Additionally, it is essential to explore electricity rates, as they vary depending on where you reside. Lastly, consider investing in Energy Star-rated office supplies and equipment. These products enhance energy efficiency while working in an office and automatically switch to a low-energy mode when not being used, preventing energy wastage. 

Any of these approaches are helpful, but it is important to take action quickly. By adding these measures, you can reduce your carbon footprint and pay less on your utility bills.

For anyone interested in discovering more ways to reduce energy waste while working from home, please refer to the infographic below for more information.

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