Green Health & Wellness Science-Based Satire: Vaccine-Mandates and the Denial of the Existence Natural of Immunity After COVID Recovery. A Deadly Anti-Science Position – GWC Mag gwcmagOctober 6, 2023073 views Dr. Martin Kulldorff, September 23, 2023 We should have listened. A few older doctors, veterans of the vaccine-mandate carnage of the 1970s tried to warn us. They knew what was coming. We arrogant fools didn’t believe them. It started as a trickle. The first patient was a 19-year-old sophomore, an athlete in perfect health. She arrived in an obtunded state, barely able to state her name. She was febrile and hallucinating. We figured she had overdosed on something. She’d died the next day in her mother’s arms. The next patient was a 22-year-old senior, a dancer. He was delirious and foaming at the mouth. He couldn’t protect his airway and was intubated on arrival. He’d be dead within hours. By the end of the week three more college students and two high school seniors arrived. They all shared the same tragic fate. It soon became clear what was killing our patients. Our worst fears had come true. It wasn’t a bad batch of drugs. It was vaccine-mandates and the denial of the existence of natural immunity after COVID recovery. What started as trickle, soon became a tidal wave of mass death- young people, cut down in the prime of their lives, all from schools with vaccine-mandates, of course. The kids who attended schools without vaccine-mandates were fine, of course. Their administrators didn’t deny the existence of natural immunity after COVID recovery, and so their students lived. I will never be able to unhear the sound of a mother screaming as her child left the ICU for the morgue, another victim of vaccine-mandates and the denial of the existence of natural immunity after COVID recovery. Though I hate to admit it, we all became numb to even this after a while. The suffering was too great to process. You couldn’t wrap your head around it. Many parents lost multiple children. They had blank looks in their eyes, unable to grasp their loss. They said nothing as the left the hospital, returning to empty houses, their lives forever altered. Of course, nearly every hospital had vaccine-mandates as well, and we were hit hard. The entire 7th floor was reserved for hospital employees, victims of vaccine-mandates and the denial of the existence of natural immunity after COVID recovery. The nurse who patiently taught me how to put in IVs a decade ago was one of the earliest victims. A young medical student, on the cusp of her career was one of the last. This created complicated ethical and moral challenges for us all. Many healthcare workers had advocated for vaccine-mandates, and they were now dying in droves from policies they supported. Several prominent supporters of vaccine-mandates, at least the ones who didn’t die themselves, simply never returned to work rather than witness the carnage that resulted from their denial of the existence of natural immunity after COVID recovery. Cowards. One thing I’ve learned during the past few years, is how quickly scenes of mass death fade from our collective memory. Denial is powerful. Everyone just wants to forget. There’s no national day of mourning or any memorial to history’s countless victims of previous vaccine-mandates. It seems that humanity’s sad fate is that every generation is doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. I have no illusions any young doctor will be reading this when the next vaccine-mandate arrives. However, on the small chance someone stumbles across this essay, I pray you’ll learn from our experience and remember what truly killed our friends, family members and co-workers. Despite what sheltered disinformation doctors- who never treated vaccine-mandate victims themselves- now claim, it wasn’t “anti-vaccine misinformation” or any virus. It was vaccine-mandates and the denial of the existence of natural immunity after COVID recovery. A deadly anti-science position. Dr. Jonathan Howard is a neurologist and psychiatrist who has been interested in vaccines since long before COVID-19. He is the author of “We Want Them Infected: How the failed quest for herd immunity led doctors to embrace the anti-vaccine movement and blinded Americans to the threat of COVID.” View all posts