If you suffer from seasonal depression, you might get a kick out of these surprisingly accurate seasonal depression memes.

For anyone who struggles with mental health, the onset of the colder and darker months can bring about changes in mood. Having depression, particularly seasonal depression, means that you don’t enjoy parts of the winter the way others can.
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While a meme can’t fix something as serious as seasonal depression, it just might give you a tiny boost in the midst of a (literally) dark day. Check out these seasonal depression memes to see which ones resonate with you!
Seasonal depression can be an unwelcome visitor.
Sometimes you have to laugh at the predictability of how the seasons affect your mental state. Maybe you can even be prepared with some of the activities that help you cope with seasonal depression.
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The Onion has a headline for everything.
Love that transition from chronic depression to seasonal depression…
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Do what you can to get through.
Healthy habits can’t fix everything, but they definitely can make a difference!
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Pets can bring comfort.
If you struggle with seasonal depression, at least you know your loyal cat or dog will be there to provide warmth and love.
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Funny movies can help.
If you haven’t seen Amy Poehler playing the “cool mom” in Mean Girls, watching it could help you forget all about the changing seasons (at least for a couple of hours).
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Sleep is your friend.
Though you may be tempted to sleep all day due to the lack of sunlight and warmth, it’s not always the best option. The Sleep Foundation notes that light therapy and vitamin D supplements may help you get better sleep when dealing with seasonal affective disorder.
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Is yoga the solution?
Sometimes it can be annoying how people immediately go to the advice to do more yoga to manage depression or mental health issues.
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Some people may mix up seasonal depression with chronic depression.
Having depression year-round may mean worsening symptoms during the darker, colder times of year.
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You may not fit in.
Do you ever just feel like you’re different from everybody else who is so happy despite the changing of seasons?
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Seasonal depression has entered the chat.
That early sunset is the worst.
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Seasonal depression is basically a party crasher.
And an unwelcome party crasher, at that.
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Can TV help?
Perhaps bingeing The Office will provide some respite from seasonal depression.
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Darkness is coming.
When Daylight Saving Time ends in most of North America and Europe, you’ll notice there’s more light in the morning, but darkness will begin to arrive very early in the afternoon and evening.
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Look on the bright side.
Sometimes you can look at things differently to find a tiny silver lining.
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Less time in sunlight is rough.
Shorter daylight hours can wreak havoc on people with seasonal depression, that’s for sure.
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