So Many Turmeric Benefits – Use It Today! – GWC Mag

by gwcmag

Such Wonderful Turmeric Benefits – Start Using it Now! Here’s How:



Turmeric is a spice used in many Indian dishes, as well as a coloring agent in foods such as mustard and various cheeses

turmeric benefitsBut do you know how beneficial it is to your health?

Read on to find out how adding turmeric to your diet brings a wide range of positive improvements to your overall wellbeing – and then see how easy it is to add to your food every day!


Turmeric Benefits You By Reducing Inflammation

A major benefit of turmeric is its anti-inflammatory properties, which means that it helps to relax blood vessels that become engorged as a response to pain or other irritations.

So, instead of taking an over-the-counter pain reliever, consider turmeric instead as it can help to alleviate discomfort from a variety of pains and aches!

Research from the University of Arizona also found that turmeric helped to reduce pain from rheumatoid arthritis, furthering the evidence that it can help improve joint movement. The research also suggests that taking the turmeric pre-emptively can help prevent the onset of rheumatoid arthritis.

Turmeric Benefits You By Reducing Osteoarthritis pain

teddy bear pain turmeric benefitsIf you suffer the pain of arthritis or osteoarthritis, you’ll be interested to know that a study found significant findings on turmeric’s ability to treat that pain. The researchers studied test groups with arthritis and found that a regular dose of turmeric reduced the amount of pain that resulted from the joint impairment.

Much of the research into the various effects of turmeric are still in the early phases, so it’s not conclusive yet – but it has no side effects so it’s got to be worth a try rather than using medication all the time.

One important note on this study: the research focused on patients consuming whole turmeric, not a supplement. So either grate or chop the root, or buy ground turmeric, preferably organic.


Turmeric Benefits You By Fighting Heart Disease

 turmeric helps avoid heart diseaseHeart disease is one of the leading causes of death, and it often results from long-term diet and health issues. Turmeric can help to fight off heart disease by aiding the body in the removal of plaque from the arteries. Plaque decreases blood flow through the body, causing the heart to work harder than necessary to pump blood, which results in excessive damage to the muscle that can lead to heart attacks. By removing the plaque, the heart is able to function at a normal level and thus stay stronger for longer.


Turmeric Promotes Better Digestion

 Many people turn to juicing to help with digestive issues, often focusing on detoxifying the body and flushing the system of harmful build up. Try adding turmeric to your juices to enhance your digestive system by reducing bloating and eliminating excess gas.

The spice is also found to help alleviate discomfort from heartburn, which can lead to other health issues and major discomfort if left untreated.


Turmeric Benefits You By Boosting Anti-oxidant Levels

 One of the most significant health benefits of turmeric is its high levels of antioxidants, which have a variety of benefits to your overall health. A diet rich in antioxidants can help repair the damage to the heart muscles, reduce the signs of aging, increase your energy levels, and improve the function of your other organs.

Some research also suggests that antioxidants can help combat free radicals that can lead to cancer. Similarly, research from UCLA found that turmeric contains a compound known as curcumin that seems to dramatically increase the antioxidant capacity of the body.


Add Turmeric to Your Food

Here are some easy suggestions:

  • Add a pinch of turmeric to scrambled eggs, frittata, or tofu scramble
  • Toss turmeric over roasted vegetables
  • Stir a dash of turmeric into basmati rice, quinoa, mashed potatoes or eggs for added color.
  • Sprinkle a pinch of turmeric directly on your salad, or blend it into a salad dressing – the flavor is not overpowering at all.
  • For a quick side dish, sauté some fresh greens (kale, spinach, etc) in some olive oil and turmeric with fresh garlic and a dash of sea salt.
  • Sprinkle on an avocado. Or mash the avocado, mix in some ground turmeric, salt and pepper and spread it on whole wheat bread or brown rice crackers.
  • Add turmeric to soups
  • Blend turmeric into a smoothie
  • Either juice turmeric with other vegetables and fruits, or add ground turmeric to a finished juice.
  • You can even make turmeric tea!

Other Ways to Get Turmeric Benefits

turmeric benefits - white teethOddly enough, you can brush your teeth with it! (No, it does NOT stain your teeth yellow! It actually whitens them up naturally).

Simply dip your wet toothbrush into a pinch of turmeric, brush your teeth with it, and allow it to sit on your teeth for about 3-5 minutes. Rinse your mouth (and sink!) thoroughly, and then brush with your normal toothpaste afterwards. (Be warned that your toothbrush will get stained yellow!).

This isn’t a daily ritual, just do this occasionally to brighten up your smile.

You can also spread turmeric on your skin to reduce inflammation and itching caused by eczema. Just mix some ground turmeric with a little water (or coconut oil, almond oil, or sesame oil), apply it on the affected areas, and wash off after about 15 minutes.

You skin will colour (until you wash it off), so choose carefully when you will apply it.


Moderation and Consistency

Another great tip is not to go crazy with turmeric. It’s better to use a little, regularly, than a whole pile at once.

Stick to a couple of teaspoons throughout each week to keep yourself on track and guarantee your ability to reap its benefits in the long haul.

Buy Organic Turmeric If Possible

buy organic for most turmeric benefitsTurmeric is ecofriendly – it grows easily without much attention and it’s light to transport.

But many of the spices on supermarket spice aisles are irradiated, grown with conventional pesticides, and not organic.

So if you can, buy organic high quality ground turmeric, or fresh turmeric root from the produce section.

It’s more green and eco friendly, as well as better for you.


Turmeric helps inflammation and osteoporosis, is good for digestion and helps prevent heart disease. Rich in antioxidants, it may also help to reduce your risk of cancer.

It’s easy to add to your meals – sprinkle on salads, greens, rice and other starches, add to soups, stews, roasted veggies and smoothies, or juice it.

You can also whiten your teeth with turmeric (!) and apply it directly to your skin to reduce inflammation

Use in moderation but consistently, and buy organic for optimum turmeric benefits.

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Do you add turmeric to your food?  Let me know in the comments below.

Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your FREE “Juicing for Fitness” book here!

Editor’s Note – This article has been updated to include newer information


anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, ecofriendly, food, green, health, healthy, turmeric, turmeric benefits

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