Tackling the Overwhelming Marine Plastic Problem – GWC Mag

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As an environmentalist and someone who has felt the cool embrace of the ocean’s waves, I’m deeply saddened by the sights of entangled marine life and the plastic-strewn shores. Our ocean, which once whispered tales of ancient mariners, now silently cries out for help, choked by the weight of our careless decisions.

My trigger was a whale carcass washed ashore, its flukes bound by carelessly discarded fishing gear.

This heartbreaking event opened my eyes to global plastic Pollution, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and caring individuals in the private sector tackling marine plastic Pollution and working to protect our fragile marine ecosystems.

The Global Impact of Marine Plastic Pollution

Marine plastic pollution is more than just an unsightly mess on our beaches; it’s a haunting reflection of our collective actions. As these plastics journey across the oceans, they not only threaten marine life but also enter our food chain, making it a problem that transcends borders and affects all of us.

Combating plastic waste and marine litter takes international cooperation and global collaboration.

It will take a concerted effort from:

  • Leadership from the United Nations Environment Assembly
  • United Global partnership and private sector contributions
  • Revolutionized waste management infrastructure
  • Sustainable consumption patterns
  • A change of habits

The Impact of plastic Pollution on marine wildlife

According to the World Animal Foundation, marine debris isn’t just harming sea life; it’s silencing the very heartbeat of our planet.

Our most significant threats aren’t simply microplastic pollution from marine plastic litter, industrial waste management, and single-use plastics; it’s inactivity on our part.

Fish and mollusks

Fish are intelligent creatures. Fish, mussels, and oysters have complex survival systems. Inadvertently, marine life absorbs human plastic waste like nano and microplastics (MPs and NPs) or mistakenly consumes bite-sized bits. A UK study found that 100% of their marine samples are contaminated with microplastics.

Sea turtles

Turtles already have a low survival rate without the damaging effects of plastic trash. Turtles involuntarily consume our marine plastics that damage their organs, leading to blockages, starvation, and death.


Daily, seabirds get entangled in discarded fishing gear and single-use plastic, and MP particles pollute every food source fed to chicks, who are unlikely to survive. Scientists find seabirds have bellies full of plastic.

Apex predators

We depend on each other to survive. Apex predators eat contaminated prey full of bioaccumulation of plastic chemicals. Remember, humans are apex predators, too. 

Adversely affecting human health

At pristine ocean resorts, someone sweeps the shoreline, but the trash keeps coming.

Plastic materials are carcinogenic

Plastic contains a cocktail of cancer-causing chemicals. Plastic particles are in our drinking water and food chain and always affect the most vulnerable first.

Damages the endocrine and nervous system

People in developed countries assume they’re safe from plastic Pollution because they recycle. However, after producing plastic for seventy years, our mammalian endocrine systems, like the hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal, testes, ovaries, and thyroid, are at risk from the chemicals. Plastics invade our bodies and harm our developmental, neurological, and reproductive health.

Affecting ocean health

The repeating images of ocean plastic Pollution aren’t fake news. Marine and land animals are crippled by plastic poisoning, and millions die from its devasting effects.

High concentration of chemicals

Climate change is real, and our waterways and oceans contain high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus, and chemicals from plastic leak into our food, water, and soil. Inadequate waste management, uncontrolled industrial Pollution, and agricultural runoff are major culprits.

Formation of algal blooms 

The ocean acts like the world’s thermostat. Oceans store as much heat as the atmosphere in only ten feet of its ocean surface. However, algal blooms thrive in the chemical soup and disrupt the ocean’s ability to do its job.

Affecting tourism industry

We hear about incidents of oceans vomiting plastic debris on beaches, which affects tourism. You and I are directly connected to that nameless person who caters to our holiday experience. Here is what plastic pollution looks like.

Compromising food safety and quality

Our food travels a long distance, and the industry fooled us into believing that food wrapped in plastic is safer. In a study, 81% of surveyed people believe food packaged in plastic is safer. Educating consumers about the devastating consequences of plastics should be #1.

Contaminated fish

Fish and other marine species are highly intelligent and emotional beings. However, they mistakenly consume bits of plastics for food and absorb MPs and NPs through their gills. A recent study found that 60% of fish contained MPs.

Biomagnification is threatening

Heavy metals and toxic chemicals are impossible to escape. Bioaccumulation and biomagnification are lethal symptoms in our environment from the onslaught of plastics and chemicals that leach into our soil and water.

Economic losses

Many organizations try to predict the financial impact and economic loss of marine plastic Pollution. Recent numbers suggested that upward of $7 billion globally (2018) are lost in GDP alone. This number doesn’t include the immeasurable heartbreak of dead animals and human suffering.

Ways to Tackle the Marine Plastic Problem

Consumers play a major role in tackling the marine plastic problem. 

Address the issue of waste stemming from the COVID-19 

The pandemic caused a significant increase in single-use plastic waste from masks, syringes, gloves, and other medical supplies. However, it’s an opportunity to improve how we recycle and manage waste. Systems like autoclaves use less energy and emit less pollutants. 

Integrating ambitious plastic initiatives through unified funding

It may not seem like it, but a global agreement and organizations are taking the initiative to stem our plastic Pollution tragedy. These groups work toward creating a circular economy in tandem with individual and regional initiatives. Together, these groups drive change so companies and governments can grapple with plastic Pollution.

Strategies need to align with science, circularity, and local contexts

The plastic problem has highlighted poorly executed waste management systems. Globally, that damage costs $2.5 trillion in economic and environmental damage. It’s impossible to add a dollar figure to biodiversity loss and human life.

Science and individuals can end the tide that impacts tourism, fisheries, and agriculture. Dialog and education are two effective means to address the problem.

Urgent market condition transformation for paradigm shift

To reduce plastic production and marine Pollution, we must address plastic consumption. Experts are researching how to regenerate plastics into energy-producing components and fuel sources (plastic is a fossil fuel product). Our addiction to the convenience of plastic is instrumental, and if we can reduce dumping 80% of plastic ocean Pollution, we can create new opportunities.

We’re stuck in a circular economy dependent on plastic. We must cut the cord of dependency and harvest new means of economic growth.

Seizing the opportunity to safeguard our oceans

Our tomorrow is today. Countries like Canada and the USA could easily lead this change. At a minimum, 70% of younger demographics want to cut our dependence on plastic, and it’s irresponsible to think that plastic doesn’t play a vital role in our global economy.

Private sectors are committing resources to build sustainable ocean-bound plastic supply chains, product re-design, and methods to revolutionize material usage and foster socially responsible habits through education and sustain the income sources for all people dependent on the plastic economy.

Unifying for sustainable change: moving beyond disposable plastics

The travel, entertainment, and tourism industries have a massive impact on reducing SUPPs. As of 2018, 127 countries are on board to minimize SUPPs, and voluntary contributions by travel and tourism play a role. However, consumer behavior has the power to drive opportunity and change.

Importance of Tackling Marine Plastic Problem

It’s no longer a question of importance. We’re losing significant coral reefs and marine wildlife like fish and seabirds by the millions.

Global warming is a real event. Tackling marine Pollution is a massive undertaking and is attracting prominent organizations like UNESCO, WHO, and the UN, among role models, to influence and educate the masses.

The UN Ocean Conference is sounding the bell. As a unified group, we must:

  • Spread education to reduce the consumption of SUPPs
  • Find methods to remove the plastic gyres in our ocean
  • Change our consumption patterns
  • Include companies that produce SUPPs in the solution
  • Cut our dependence on fossil fuel products

What’s Currently Being Done to Stop Marine Plastic Pollution

It’s a grave situation as MPs affect every ecosystem and every animal species, plant, food supply, water, and climate.

We can no longer afford to wait for the EPA to act while they look into the matter and discuss ocean Pollution.

The EIA (Environmental Investigation Agency) campaigned to establish a global treaty to regulate plastics. The UNEA is engaging in formal negotiations ending in 2024, hopefully with tangible initiatives and real action.

According to the UNEP, Korea is committed to reducing marine plastic Pollution by 60% (2030) and has ambitious plans of zero waste by 2050.

Real changes depend on understanding the significant impact our plastic Pollution has and where these sources of Pollution come from (90% come from land). Many underdeveloped countries like Indonesia and the Philippines struggle with single-use plastic.

It may not always seem like it, but there are successful campaigns. 

  • 2019, BB&T Pavillion reduced 60% of internal waste from landfills and generated a 10% diversion rate. More examples here.
  • FAO is addressing the alarming 12.5 million tonnes of agricultural plastic (not including 37.3 million tonnes of plastic packaging). Our soil is even more contaminated than our oceans.

The Solution to Tackling Ocean Plastic Conclusion

Raising awareness about marine and soil plastic Pollution is essential, and so is action. We certainly play a vital role in preventing more ocean Pollution. 

Our role is to stop supporting industrial waste and consumer products that pollute.

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Stop F*cking With The Planet Tee by Tiny Rescue: Climate Collection

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  • Eat Less Meat: Download Food Monster, the largest plant-based Recipe app on the App Store, to help reduce your environmental footprint, save animals and get healthy. You can also buy a hard or soft copy of our favorite vegan cookbooks.
  • Reduce Your Fast Fashion Footprint: Take initiative by standing up against fast fashion Pollution and supporting sustainable and circular brands like Tiny Rescue that raise awareness around important issues through recycled zero-waste clothing designed to be returned and remade repeatedly.
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  • Do What You Can: Reduce waste, plant trees, eat local, travel responsibly, reuse stuff, say no to single-use plastics, recycle, vote smart, switch to cold water laundry, divest from fossil fuels, save water, shop wisely, Donate if you can, grow your food, volunteer, conserve energy, compost, and don’t forget about the microplastics and microbeads lurking in common household and personal care products!

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