ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Telit Cinterion Provides Constant Connectivity for WaterSignal Monitoring Software – GWC Mag gwcmagOctober 15, 2023034 views In a new partnership with WaterSignal, Telit Cinterion is to provide constant connectivity for the company’s water monitoring and leak detection systems. WaterSignal will use Telit Cinterion’s cellular low-power wide-area (LPWA) modules and Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity platforms to ensure their units are able to transfer water data without constant connection to a power source. LPWAs are specifically useful in places where LTE connections are typically lost, and the new technology will allow water monitoring to continue during ongoing and worsening power outages. WaterSignal’s remote water monitoring capabilities include on-demand data for domestic meters, irrigation systems, and cooling towers. The company’s water monitoring and detection system allows for make-up and blow-down meter monitoring for cooling towers, helping identify leaks and mitigate water loss and damage, among other features. WaterSignal technology is not limited to new water systems–the non-invasive technology can be added to existing water meters without a disruptive installation process, both saving on costs and avoiding the need for extensive city approvals. Telit Cinterion’s LPWA technologies and IoT systems will support efficient monitoring since they erase the need for manual, daily meter readings and allow for consistent connectivity. “When monitoring critical resources, like water, a reliable connection is pivotal to maintaining visibility and extracting actionable insights,” said Neset Yalcinkaya, senior vice president of sales Americas for Telit Cinterion. “WaterSignal’s technology is invaluable for operation teams, and we are pleased that Telit Cinterion’s cellular LPWA modules and IoT connectivity solutions are central to providing that essential connection, particularly the ability to use cellular instead of Wi-Fi to transfer water data independently of a power source during an outage.” Smart Systems Help Save Water, Improve Utility Operations Because the world’s growing population faces increasing water demand, the UN recommends treating water as a scarce resource. Data and technology reportedly play a key role in tracking water resources and helping the world address water scarcity. Issues as small as a broken valve may contribute to thousands of gallons of water wasted each month, but smart systems, like those developed by WaterSignal, may identify such issues as soon as they arise. Customers are notified immediately when a water-wasting problem is identified, so it may be acted upon quickly. Also useful for saving water are smart irrigation systems, mostly used to monitor and limit water usage for agricultural use. Agriculture reportedly uses about 70% of total water resources in the world, according to estimates from World Bank. Precision irrigation systems and other smart irrigation methods may directly monitor plant water levels, ensuring that crops only receive what is needed. Through this collaborative effort with Telit Cinterion, WaterSignal may ensure its water-saving technology remains unimpeded by potential connectivity issues.