Take 5 minutes. Take these 4 tests – they help to predict how long you’ll live – and how much you’ll enjoy it!

As you age you may see changes in your body. That’s OK. But are you in good enough shape to continue to enjoy your life? Try these 4 tests to predict how long you’ll live – and the quality of your life!
Healthspan is a new word I’ve been reading about – it’s about your years in the future where you feel healthy and active.
(I’ve taken information from several sources including The Guardian)
Healthspan is more positive than lifespan.
- Lifespan is simply how many years you’re expected to live for (barring accidents etc. of course).
- Your healthspan, on the other hand, is how long you’ll be able to enjoy your life, feeling well and healthy as you age.
You want to enjoy getting older, and live life well.
What you want to avoid though, is “deconditioning” which is caused by inactivity.
If that’s you, you need to nip it in the bud early. (“Use it or lose it”).
From exercise and eating tips to brain health and balance challenges: this is what you need to know.
Leg Strength

Let’s start with exercise – and no, I don’t mean running a marathon!
When you are less active, you are more prone to serious stuff like being overweight, which can lead to heart conditions, diabetes and high blood pressure (risk of stroke).
If you find it more difficult to get up from the sofa these days, don’t rely on riser chairs – instead, build up your own strength.
A top priority is leg strength.
Here are 4 simple tests you can use to see if you’re losing fitness and mobility.
The Walk and Talk Test
Time yourself walking while reciting the months of the year backwards from December, or counting back in sevens from 100.
If you are around the 65-year mark, you should walk about four metres in 5 seconds.
The Sit-Stand Test
Sit in a chair with your arms folded (so you’re not tempted to use them for support), and stand and sit five times.
- It can be more difficult to do this slowly, especially sitting down. Try to move evenly and steadily for the entire 5 times.
- Or use speed as an indicator of your ability – see if you can do 5 sit stands in 15 seconds or less.
Generally, if you struggle with the sit-stand test, you need to build more strength in your legs because you are probably too sedentary.
continued below….

The Scratch Your Back Test
Scratching your back (or trying to!) shows shoulder flexibility.
Pat yourself on the back with one arm, and bend the other elbow low below you – can you clasp at least the middle fingers of your opposite hand? (Here’s more detailed information on how to do this test).
(Most people find one side is easier than the other, so you’ll know which side you need to work on more).
Under-60s should be able to do this, but as you get older, there will be an ever-increasing gap between the fingers.

The Balance Test (and Why It Predicts Your Lifespan)
The ability to stand on one leg for 10 seconds is a predictor of longevity, according to a study published in the BMJ. There’s an 86% increased risk of death in the next 10 years if you can’t do this.
Of course, these 4 tests can’t say with certainty how long you’ll live!
But they help you to get an idea of your current ability levels and if they’ll stand you in good stead as you get older.
Your healthspan, in other words.
(I like that word!).
See my next post for suggestions on what to do if you’re not happy with the results of any of these tests.
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Warm regards,
P.S. Look younger – this week – withOUT spending a fortune! Click here for Age Better now!