If You Care for a Senior, or If You’re an Older Adult, You Really Need to Know What Makes Seniors Happy.
Gone are the days of nursing homes, meal programs, and Bingo. Today’s seniors are members of the baby boomer generation – accustomed to independence, engagement and a good deal of control over their lives.
If you think seniors no longer go to gym, or never use computers, think again!
Many older adults are still physically active, and many seniors have embraced technology – playing games remotely with grandkids or reading the news on iPads.
This group of seniors is redefining the aging process.
I saw a phrase I liked – seniors today are “connected, current and in control.”
Seniors Know What They Want
If you care for a senior, or you ARE a senior, think about this:-
Today more than ever, seniors know what they want, which is why they:
- Demand control.
- Want to be included in processes and decisions.
- Are highly savvy consumers.
- Are well plugged-in, engaging with social media for example.
- Are vocal and adamant about what they want and will accept.
If you care for a senior, it’s important to engage with him or her if possible when making decisions. And don’t assume older adults don’t ‘get’ computers, the internet etc.
If you ARE a senior, the list above is helpful to keep in mind when interacting with family or caregivers – be clear about what you want and need.
(continued below)
What Makes Older Adults Happy?
Did you know that older adults report greater happiness and well-being than teenagers and young adults?
It’s called the paradox of old age. Older people who have lived through and coped with many challenges and losses in their lives are resilient. Even though older adults may be experiencing declines in their physical or cognitive abilities, they feel better about their lives rather than worse, compared to younger adults.
So, how can you ensure happiness for you or someone you care for?
Social connections are massively important. Spending time with family and friends, and interaction with others, are large contributors to mental health and well-being. Sitting in the garden chatting with a cup of tea, visiting old haunts, or attending community events allow seniors to interact with people they cherish.
Independence and self-determination are key. For as long as it’s possible, seniors want to decide where to go, what activities they participate in, what meals they eat and when, and so on. Feeling in control helps to keep you young!
Focus on abilities. Don’t think about what you or a loved one can no longer do. Instead, appreciate the greater freedom of more leisure time.
Keep active. Physical, mental and social activities lead to successful aging and greater satisfaction. Even light gardening can have many health benefits.
Volunteering makes you happy, according to numerous studies (and provides social engagement too).
Keep learning. Ongoing, lifelong learning keeps you interested in life, and more alert and happy. Computer games are entertaining, but it’s difficult to find conclusive evidence that they genuinely help to keep your brain functioning well. However, one recent study showed that doing crosswords (“manually”, not on a computer) did seem to reduce ‘brain fade’ in older adults. Reading is also a great way to stay mentally active – make sure to have good-quality reading glasses if necessary, to remove any vision-related obstacles.
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Warm regards,
P.S. Look younger – this week – withOUT spending a fortune! Click here for Age Better now!
age better, elderly, happiness, how to be happy as you age, older adults, seniors, what makes seniors happy