10 Barbaric Acts Against Animals in Asia: Urgent Need to Stop and Promote Compassion – GWC Mag

by gwcmag

Asia is a diverse continent with rich cultural traditions. However, unfortunately, it is also home to several barbaric acts against animals. These acts include a variety of actions that harm both wild and domestic animals. In today’s day and age, it is imperative to bring attention to these cruel acts and work towards a more compassionate and ethical treatment of animals.

1. Bear Bile Farming

Source: The Dodo/YouTube

Bear bile farming is an inhumane practice that specifically targets bears for their bile. This is because bear bile is believed to have medicinal properties in traditional Asian medicine. Bears are kept captive in small cages, often unable to move or exhibit natural behaviors. As if this was not torture enough, the bile is extracted through various methods. These horrific methods include catheters, open wounds, or invasive surgery. All of these methods cause immense pain and suffering. Bears in these farms often develop infections, abscesses, and liver damage due to the unsanitary conditions and constant bile extraction. The psychological distress they experience from confinement and chronic pain is heartbreaking. 

Although this cruel practice causes intense animal suffering, it is legal in some countries. Synthetic alternatives to bear bile exist and have proven to be just as effective, making the continuation of this practice unnecessary and cruel. Many Animal rights organizations, including Animals Asia, are working to help educate the public about the horrors of bile bear farming and end this practice.  

Sign this petition to Help Save Captive Bears!

2. Shark Finning

Shark finning involves capturing sharks, removing their fins, and discarding the rest of their bodies back into the water. The sharks are often still alive when they are dumped back into the sea. They then suffer a horrible, protracted death. Fins harvested from this cruel process are primarily used to make shark fin soup, a delicacy in some Asian cultures. 

The demand for shark fin soup has led to a significant decline in shark populations worldwide. This decline disrupts marine ecosystems and threatens the delicate balance of ocean life. Conservationists and animal lovers are standing up against this destructive and cruel practice. Shark Allies is one organization that is committed to protecting sharks and helping to end the fin trade around the world. 

Sign this petition to Protest the Shark Fin Trade!

3. Dog Meat Trade

Dog meat is eaten in various countries around the world. Although many countries are beginning to move away from the practice, it persists in various locations. The dog meat trade involves the breeding, stealing, or capturing of dogs for their meat. Dogs are often kept in cramped and unsanitary conditions, subjected to extreme stress and suffering. As they are moved from place to place, they are transported in overcrowded trucks, often without food or water, causing further distress. The methods of slaughter are often brutal and inhumane, including beating, boiling, or electrocuting the dogs.

This trade not only inflicts immense pain and suffering on the dogs but also poses serious health risks to humans. The conditions in which these dogs are kept and slaughtered can lead to the spread of diseases such as rabies. Promoting education, advocating for stricter animal welfare laws, and encouraging the adoption of companion animals can help end this cruel trade and promote a more compassionate view towards dogs. Several organizations, such as No Dogs Left Behind, are dedicated to helping end this trade. Many also help to find homes for the dogs who are rescued from the meat trade. 

Sign this petition Demanding China End the Dog and Cat Meat Trade!

4. Live Animal Keychains

Source: euronews/YouTube

Live animal keychains, mainly found in China, involve trapping small animals, such as turtles, fish, or amphibians, in small sealed plastic bags filled with colored water. These animals are often deprived of oxygen and suitable living conditions, leading to their slow and painful deaths. 

This practice devalues the lives of these creatures, treating them as mere objects of novelty or entertainment. Not only is it cruel to the animals involved, but it also perpetuates a culture of disregard for life and contributes to the desensitization of individuals towards animal suffering. Although many Animal rights activists have spoken out against this practice, it does not appear that any actions have been taken to stop this horrible trend. Raising awareness about the cruelty of these keychains, enforcing animal welfare laws, and promoting alternatives for novelty items can help eliminate this barbaric practice. 

Sign this petition Asking That Live Animals Stop Being Sold as Souvenirs!

5. Elephant Tourism

Elephant tourism is prevalent in many Asian countries. There, elephants are exploited for entertainment purposes. These intelligent and social animals are often subjected to cruel training methods. These include “phajaan” or “crushing.” which involve breaking their spirits through physical and psychological abuse. After being broken, they are then forced to carry heavy loads, give rides to tourists, or perform tricks for entertainment.

The conditions in which these elephants are kept are often inadequate, with insufficient access to food, water, and proper veterinary care. The constant exposure to loud noises, crowds, and unnatural environments leads to immense stress and psychological trauma for these majestic creatures. Luckily, many organizations are raising awareness about the treatment of these majestic creatures. World Animal Protection is one of these organizations. Promoting responsible and ethical tourism practices, supporting sanctuaries that prioritize the well-being of elephants, and educating tourists about the cruelty behind these activities can help put an end to elephant exploitation.

Sign this Pledge Promising to Be an Elephant Friendly Tourist!

6. Tiger Bone Wine

Source: The Dodo/YouTube

Tiger bone wine production involves breeding and killing tigers for their bones. The tiger bones are then used in the production of traditional medicines and wine. Tigers are often kept in cramped and unnatural conditions, deprived of proper nutrition and space to roam. Young cubs may be used at attractions at petting zoos until they become too old. Then, they are killed to produce tiger bone wine. 

The bones are ground into a powder and steeped in alcohol to create tiger bone wine. This wine is believed to have medicinal properties in traditional Asian medicine. This practice fuels the illegal trade in tiger parts, as demand for their bones perpetuates poaching and contributes to the decline of tiger populations. Tigers are an endangered species, and their continued exploitation for traditional medicine is not only cruel but also threatens their survival in the wild. 

To protect tigers, promoting the use of synthetic alternatives, strengthening legislation against tiger poaching and trade, and raising awareness about the importance of conserving these magnificent creatures are crucial steps. Fortunately, many wildlife organizations are working to do just this. These organizations include Four Paws International, which is helping to raise awareness of the global trade in big cat products. 

Sign this petition to Help Stop the Trade of Tiger Bone Wine!

7. Snake Wine

Snake wine is a traditional Asian beverage that involves keeping live snakes, such as cobras or vipers, in bottles filled with alcohol. The snakes are often confined to small spaces. There, they are unable to move or escape. As the alcohol ferments, the snakes slowly suffocate due to the lack of oxygen in the bottles. Or, they may drown in the liquid.

 This practice not only causes immense suffering to the snakes but also contributes to the depletion of snake populations in the wild. Snakes play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. They do this by controlling rodent populations and serving as prey for other species. The captivity and exploitation of snakes for the production of snake wine disrupt this delicate balance and have negative impacts on biodiversity.

Alternatives to snake wine, such as non-animal-based alcoholic beverages, and raising awareness about the ecological importance of snakes can help discourage the demand for this cruel practice. PETA has already spoken out against a facility in Vietnam that has been accused of breeding snakes to make snake wine. 

Sign this petition to Help Protect Snakes!

8. Dancing Bears

Source: International Animal Rescue/YouTube

Dancing bears are a cruel form of entertainment that involves capturing and training bears to perform tricks for the amusement of tourists. Bears are often forcibly separated from their mothers at a young age. Then, they are subjected to harsh training methods, such as beatings and starvation, to make them submissive and perform unnatural behaviors. These bears are typically kept in small cages when not performing. This leads to physical and psychological distress. The use of sharp metal rings or nose ropes is common to control the bears during performances, causing pain and discomfort, is also common. 

Dancing bears are deprived of their natural habitats and instincts. Depriving the bears of these things leads to a diminished quality of life for the bears. Efforts to rescue and rehabilitate dancing bears, promote alternative forms of entertainment, and educate the public about the cruelty behind dancing bears can help bring an end to this practice. Luckily, some Animal rights organizations have dedicated themselves to helping end the plight of dancing bears. For example, Bear Conservation is helping to stop this cruel practice. 

Sign this petition to Help End the Cruel Practice of Bear Baiting!

9. Rhino Horn Trade

The rhino horn trade involves the poaching and killing of rhinos to obtain their horns. Rhino horns are highly valued in traditional Asian medicine and as status symbols. Rhinos are often hunted for their horns, leading to a significant decline in their populations and pushing some species to the brink of extinction. Additionally, the methods used to incapacitate rhinos, such as tranquilizer darts, can cause immense suffering and often leave the animals injured and vulnerable to predators. 

Rhino horns are made of keratin. This is the same substance as human hair and nails; it has no proven medicinal properties. By promoting the use of synthetic alternatives, strengthening anti-poaching efforts, and raising awareness about the importance of conserving rhinos, animal lovers can help combat the demand for rhino horns. Reducing this demand can help protect these magnificent creatures. Many organizations, like Save the Rhino, are working to help end the rhino horn trade.

Sign this petition to Ban the Rhino Horn Trade!

10. Elephant Tusk Trade

Source: Vox/YouTube

The ivory trade involves the illegal poaching and trafficking of elephant tusks for their ivory. Elephants are brutally killed for their tusks, often through the use of high-powered rifles or poisoned arrows. These methods cause immense pain and suffering. The demand for ivory, primarily used for ornamental purposes and traditional medicine, has led to a significant decline in elephant populations across Africa and Asia.

The illegal ivory trade fuels criminal networks and threatens national security in some countries. Efforts to combat this trade include strengthening anti-poaching measures, implementing stricter regulations on ivory sales, and raising awareness about the cruelty and Conservation implications of the ivory trade. Supporting alternatives to ivory, such as synthetic materials or sustainable alternatives, can help reduce the demand and protect elephants from further harm. Conservation initiatives around the world are working to help stop the trade of elephant ivory.

Sign this petition to Stop the Ivory Trade!

In today’s age of progress and enlightenment, it is disheartening to witness such barbaric acts against animals in Asia. These practices go against the principles of compassion, respect, and ethical treatment of animals. By raising awareness, advocating for stronger animal welfare laws, and promoting alternatives, we can work towards eliminating these horrific practices. It is crucial to foster a society that values the well-being of animals, understands their sentience, and promotes coexistence. Let us strive to create a world where animals are treated with kindness and empathy, leaving behind the cruelty of the past.

Tiny Rescue Animal Collection
Tiny Rescue Animal Collection

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