Announcing New AGU Journal Editors-in-Chief Starting in 2024 – GWC Mag

by gwcmag
Editors’ Vox is a blog from AGU’s Publications Department.

AGU Publications is thrilled to announce seven new Editors-in-Chief (EiCs) to join our journals program in 2024. Six of the EiCs were appointed to continue the great work done by their predecessors and the seventh will be leading AGU’s newest journal, JGR: Machine Learning and Computation, launching in January 2024.

We thank the following outgoing EiCs for their leadership and contributions during their terms:

  • Earth’s Future: Amir AghaKouchak (University of California Irvine), EiC 2020-2023,
  • Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems: Claudio Faccenna (Università Roma TRE), EiC 2017-2023,
  • GeoHealth: Gabriel Filippelli (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis), EiC 2017-2023,
  • JGR: Solid Earth: Isabelle Manighetti (GEOAZUR-Université Côte d’Azur), EiC 2020-2023,
  • JGR: Planets: Laurent Montesi (University of Maryland College Park), EiC 2019-2024, and
  • Reviews of Geophysics: Fabio Florindo (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia), EiC 2017-2023.

And a warm welcome to their successors:

And to:

AGU journals editor-in-chief searches are done through an open call and managed by Search Committees appointed by the AGU Council Leadership team, and in collaboration with the AGU Publications Committee and AGU publishing staff. The Council Leadership Team makes the final approval and appointment. We thank these colleagues for their invaluable contributions during this process.

—Matt Giampoala ([email protected]; 0000-0002-0208-2738), Vice President, AGU Publications; and Carol Frost (0000-0002-1674-2725), Chair, AGU Publications Committee

Citation: Giampoala, M., and C. Frost (2023), Announcing new AGU journal editors-in-chief starting in 2024, Eos, 104, Published on 9 November 2023.
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