Three brands of fruit pouches have been voluntarily recalled in 2023 due to possible lead contamination — here’s the recall list.

The Gist:
- On Oct. 31, 2023, WanaBanana Apple Cinnamon Fruit Puree was voluntarily recalled by Wanabana LLC.
- Then, on Nov. 3, 2023, two additional companies also voluntarily recalled fruit puree pouches due to possible contamination.
- All the fruit puree pouches being recalled are due to potential contamination with lead.
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Before you go grocery shopping, it’s always important to double-check for food recalls, especially regarding things like fruits and vegetables. The Environmental Working Group also releases the Dirty Dozen foods to alert shoppers to the use of pesticides in their organic produce — but that isn’t the only danger lurking in your grocery cart.
In late October and early November 2023, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an alert for recalled fruit pouches. Here’s your guide to which brands are on the recall list.

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Here is the list of fruit pouches the FDA has recalled for possible lead contamination.
On Oct. 31, 2023, the FDA announced that WanaBana agreed to voluntarily recall its apple cinnamon fruit puree pouches. The product was recalled after an initial investigation by the FDA, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS), and the North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (NCDA&CS) following four children falling ill and developing “acute lead toxicity.”
Testing then revealed “extremely high concentrations of lead” in the product.
Then, on Nov. 3, 2023, two more companies voluntarily recalled apple cinnamon fruit puree products: Schnucks-branded and Weis-branded.
In total, this means that the current list of companies with fruit pouches being recalled includes the following:
- WanaBana apple cinnamon fruit puree pouches
- Schnucks Markets cinnamon-flavored applesauce pouches
- Weis Markets cinnamon applesauce pouches
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As of Nov. 6, 2023, the FDA reported seven illnesses across five states of children or toddlers with elevated blood lead levels.
The FDA advises that consumers who have recently purchased fruit puree pouches from WanaBana, Schnucks, or Weis should not eat and discard them. If you have already consumed the contaminated product, you are advised to seek out a healthcare professional for a blood test.
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Symptoms of lead poisoning, acute or otherwise, can be very severe.
Lead is toxic and exposure can lead to a number of severe symptoms, including developmental delays in children. While it might not be apparent right away that your child has lead poisoning, according to the Cleveland Clinic, some of the symptoms include the following:
- Headaches
- Cramps
- Abdominal pain
- Vomiting
- Fatigue
- Behavioral changes
The FDA also encourages people to remember that products like fruit puree pouches have long shelf lives, so if you have these products in your pantry from months ago, it might be a good idea to get rid of them rather than eat them.