Creating the skills pool for Australia’s energy transition – GWC Mag

by gwcmag
Creating the skills pool for Australia’s energy transition – GWC Mag

Engineers Australia has partnered with Energy Networks Australia to build the engineering skills pool required for a smooth transition to renewable energy.

“To meet net zero, we need the right workforce. From powering homes and industry to steering us through the energy transition, engineers are the bedrock of our energy system,” said Energy Networks Australia CEO Dominique van den Berg.

“The energy transition is now well underway, and we must make collaboration a priority. In partnering with Engineers Australia, we can help ensure that the right skills are available, where they will be needed and at the scale required.”

Under the agreement, the organisations will work together across three key areas aimed at building the competency and recognition of engineers within the energy sector, while addressing shared challenges.


Engineers Australia and Energy Networks Australia will combine forces to advocate for issues that are critically important to both organisations. In so doing, they aim to address challenges, amplify their influence and bolster advocacy efforts.

Competency development and recognition

The organisations will work together on programs to support the skill development and ongoing professional growth of engineers in the sector. The partnership will also support the launch of the new Chartered Area of Practice by Engineers Australia, which will recognise the specific skills of engineers in the energy industry.

Workforce credentialing of Energy Networks Australia member organisations

With the support of Energy Networks Australia, Engineers Australia will build on the positive industry uptake of its Engineering Workforce Credential (EWC) program, a contemporary business-wide approach to credentialing engineers.

“Addressing the skills shortage within Australia’s energy sector is central to achieving net zero emissions by 2050,” said Engineers Australia CEO Romilly Madew AO.

“The transition to clean energy not only represents a significant shift in how we generate and consume energy but also necessitates a substantial expansion and enhancement of the workforce capable of driving this change. Our partnership with Energy Networks Australia is an important step towards meeting our engineering skills need.”

Image caption: Dominique van den Berg and Romilly Madew AO.

Originally published

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