Home Improvements That Enhance Wellness As We Age – GWC Mag

by gwcmag

Wellness is important at any age. However, as people get older, they often need to be a little more intentional in their approach. You may face greater health challenges and need to compensate for the physical decline related to the ageing process.

This doesn’t just mean adopting new exercise routines or getting regular medical check-ups, though these are essential. The improvements you make to your home can also have a positive impact on your wellness as you age. Some are directly influential on your health, while others support activities that boost your well-being.

Let’s take a moment to look at a handful of sustainable home improvements that enhance wellness as you age.

Hobby Spaces

It is vital to continue pursuing hobbies as you age. They can be powerful tools for managing stress and help stave off isolation. One important improvement you can make to your home is creating a green space to support your activities.

For instance, installing an eco-friendly gym can enable you to sustainably pursue exercise-related hobbies. Consider exercise equipment that isn’t dependent on electricity, such as stationary bikes and ellipticals. Invest in non-toxic yoga and exercise mats made from bamboo or biodegradable hemp.

You could also consider creating a space for a hobby that can bring in extra income. Activities like furniture restoration, craft-making, and beekeeping are both sustainable and help relieve financial stress. You could use the profits to reinvest in other home improvements that boost your wellness.

It’s always important to approach creating these spaces with solid planning. This ensures you reduce the potential for overusing and wasting materials. As a result, you can maximize the profits from your hobbies while also mitigating the pressure you put on natural resources.

Air Quality

Poor air quality is a significant concern at the moment. Pollution is particularly detrimental to older adults’ health, as their bodies may be less able to safeguard against environmental hazards. Among the home improvements that can be vital for your wellness as you age are those that improve indoor air quality.

Air purification measures tend to have a more thorough wellness impact. High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration systems are often considered among the most effective approaches. This is because they remove a high percentage of airborne particles.

That said, you should always make sustainable choices with your filtration systems. Look for those that are energy-efficient, preferably Energy Star-rated. Many are also made from recycled materials and have reusable filters that you can rinse a few times each year.

Additionally, it’s worth adopting ways to naturally improve the air quality in your home. Certain plants, such as peace lilies and English ivy, are known to purify the air of specific toxins. Get a good understanding of the common pollutants in your area and populate your home with plants that address them accordingly.

Lighting Adaptations

It may not be one of the most obvious changes, but making green adaptations to your home lighting can improve wellness as you age. Firstly, better lighting improves visibility, which may lead to fewer accidents. Studies have also shown that good indoor light quality can boost mood and cognitive functioning in older adults.

Perhaps the most sustainable approach to this is to boost the amount of natural light you get in your home. This could involve installing larger windows in areas that get the most daylight or investing in a skylight. Even strategically placing mirrors around your home can improve the amount of natural light that bounces throughout your property.

In areas where you need the most artificial lighting, it’s wise to take an energy-efficient approach. Light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs are greener than traditional incandescent bulbs. They use less electricity to function — which is beneficial for both the planet and your wallet — while providing the light quality that supports your wellness.

As you age, it’s also worth bearing in mind that Medicare can help fund necessary home improvements, including lighting adaptations. However, the extent of this depends on your coverage and the state you live in.

One option is to take the time to review Medicare supplement plans. Consider what plans could give you coverage that best aligns with your wellness needs. Be sure to examine not just how each fills the gaps in standard Medicare, but also the eligibility requirements for home improvements.

Vegetable Gardens

Remember that home improvements aren’t just for the inside of your house. Installing an outdoor vegetable garden is a sustainable way to help boost your wellness as you age. You get to enjoy access to a range of nutritional foods and gardening is a great way to stay physically and mentally healthy.

Wherever possible, plant fruits and vegetables that are native to your part of the world. This is healthier not only for your yard but also for the local ecosystem. Additionally, design the layout of your gardening space to ensure each crop gets the appropriate natural exposure to light and moisture.

You can also maximize your efforts with a few sustainable gardening projects. Building a compost bin from recycled materials enables you to reuse organic waste to feed your soil. Harvesting rainwater with a strategically placed barrel means you have resources to water your plants during drier months, too.


Making sustainable home improvements can have fantastic wellness benefits as you age. These range from tools that minimize the impact of air pollution to gardens that boost your mental and nutritional wellness.

That said, it’s important to be mindful of how you approach this process. Take the time to plan the most relevant improvements well in advance. It tends to be best to prioritize your changes in line with your individual wellness needs, your budget, and your green goals.

Image Source: Pexels.

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