Don’t rely on Medication. Use Safe, Natural Remedies for Flu
Flu (or influenza) is utterly miserable – and it can strike at any time of year. Mostly, it just makes us feel lousy for a few days, but it can be more serious, especially for the elderly, the very young, or those with compromised immune systems.
There are lots of commercial medicines that you can take, but they often involve chemicals.
And antibiotics are causing problems as we use more and more of them, and they’re bad for the environment too.
Here are some safe alternatives – natural remedies for flu are easy and safe, as well as cost-effective and good for the environment too (a win-win!).
First, I’m going to look at how to prevent getting flu in the first place. Then, let’s look at how to cure the nasty symptoms of flu if you catch it. Finally, I’ll tell you about my favourite treatment for flu (which will NOT appeal to everyone!).
Natural Remedies for Flu – First, How to Prevent It!
Of course, the best prevention is just common sense. Eat healthily, get plenty of exercise and sleep, and wash your hands regularly. It’s not exciting or interesting, but it works.
I also like Echinacea. I’ve read studies which show that it’s good for flu prevention, and I’ve also read studies which say that taking it makes no difference to your likelihood of getting flu.
I’m happy to take it as a preventative, especially if I’m going on holiday – I want to enjoy my holiday, not sneeze my way through it!.
Although it comes in tablet form, many believe that Echinacea Tea is the best way to get the benefits. To make Echinacea Tea, simply place a teaspoon or two of dried Echinacea in a cup, add hot water, leave to steep for a few minutes, strain and sip. Add a half teaspoon of honey if you want additional sweetness.
Everyone eats differently, so if you feel you are missing out on certain vitamins and minerals, then you can take these as supplements. (That discussion is beyond the scope of this blog).
Natural Remedies for Flu – Treat the Symptoms
If you do get the flu, you want to reduce your symptoms and hopefully shorten your down time.
Natural remedies include:
- Blocked nose and nasal passages: Inhale the steam from peppermint or chamomile tea.
- Sore throat: Add sage leaves or sage extract to warm water and gargle with it.
- Fever: Peppermint tea produces sweat and helps the body to sweat out a fever (as well as reducing nasal congestion).
- Upset stomach: Sip chamomile tea.
- Sleeplessness: Drink chamomile tea as you go to bed. (Chamomile has been used in medicine for thousands of years).
Of course, no natural remedy should ever take the place of professional medical guidance. Also, some natural remedies cannot be mixed with modern medicines, so let your doctor or pharmacist know if you are currently taking any natural remedies before mixing the two.
P.S. There is another remedy I really enjoy. Growing up in Ireland I knew it as a “Hot Toddy”. Here’s how to make one:
- In a glass or mug mix a tot of whiskey with hot water, and add honey to taste.
- Add a slice of fresh lemon studded with cloves.
- Go to bed.
- Inhale the steam first to clear the nose, then sip and enjoy the comforting toddy.
It helps to clear the nose, sooth the throat, reduce a fever, and put you to sleep. (And I think this “magic potion” tastes great too!).
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What natural remedies do you use? Let me know in the Comments below.
Warm regards,
P.S. Don’t forget to download your FREE weight loss smoothie recipes here!
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