New Winter Route on The Moose’s Tooth » Explorersweb – GWC Mag

by gwcmag

Marcin Tomaszewski and Pawel Haldas of Poland have safely returned from The Moose’s Tooth after opening a new winter route on the legendary Alaskan peak.

The pair flew into the mountains 12 days ago and started immediately. They spent 10 days battling winter weather on the south face of one of the granite “teeth” of the massif. As Tomaszewsi notes in a post on social media, their route might also be the first opened on that wall in particular.

The line climbed by the Polish team marked in red on a picture of one of the southerly walls of Moose's Tooth.

‘Cold Wars’, the new route of Tomaszewski and Haldas on Moose’s Tooth. Photo: Marcin Tomaszewski


The result is ‘Cold Wars,’ a 19-pitch, 980m route on rock, ice, and mixed terrain. The line comprises 730m of A3, M5, and 250m on snow/firn up to 60-70˚.

“It was colder and harder than Greenland,” wrote Tomaszewski, referring to the new route that the pair opened in February 2023 on Greenland’s west coast. We highlighted that climb as one of the top expeditions of 2023.

The climber as seen from below up a rock face.

On vertical rock. Photo: Marcin Tomaszewski


Tomaszewski described the wall on the Moose’s Tooth as “beautiful…Difficult terrain, technically demanding and time-consuming.”

The Polish climbers told ExplorersWeb that they’ll write up a detailed report in the next few days.

“We haven’t dried the equipment yet,” they said, as they recovered from their effort over beer and pizza in Talkeetna.

the climbers on a snowy summit.

On the summit. Photo: Marcin Tomaszewski

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