One of U.S.’s most prominent utilities continues to double down on remotely-operated microgrids – GWC Mag

by gwcmag

San Diego Gas and Electric first received its green light from the California Public Utilities Commission to install microgrids at four critical locations in 2021. Three years later, the utility serving nearly 4 million people has unveiled the microgrid + energy storage projects, which will serve two substations as well as emergency response headquarters, a medical center and several schools. 

The microgrids can be operated remotely and can work independently alongside the SDG&E grid. The microgrids carry a combined storage capacity of 39MW and 180MWh; the California Independent System Operator will also be able to call on the microgrids for assistance during peak hours and times of high demand or other emergencies.

In a state that has grown accustomed to high demand and stretched energy supply, these kinds of piecemeal additions will help the larger system avoid rolling blackouts. However, the state’s other major utilities, such as PG&E and Southern California Edison will need to follow SDG&E’s lead in prioritizing microgrid projects, especially at “mission critical” locations like substations, schools, hospitals and first responder headquarters. SDG&E has been at the bleeding edge of microgrid investment: according to Microgrid Knowledge, the utility unveiled the country’s first utility-scale microgrid in 2013. 

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