Petition: Help End Puppy Crippling Experiments at the University of Pennsylvania – GWC Mag

by gwcmag

Our government is about to destroy an entire colony of deformed puppies in a Pennsylvania laboratory.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) may ram through more taxpayer-funded abuse to cripple and kill these dogs.

A payout was just authorized. 23 puppies are about to die.

And it’s a hard government deadline.

Deadline:Please take immediate action to help us stop UPenn from crippling and killing these 23 disabled dogs!

Our team uncovered this evil experiment at the University of Pennsylvania. And I’ve not been able to get this footage out of my mind.

These are the most disturbing videos I’ve ever seen.

Puppies are so badly deformed that they’re struggling to stand and walk.

Professors at UPenn even film the disabled dogs!

And when I tell you WHY they’re crippling puppies and videotaping it, you’re going to get pissed.

Unless we take immediate action, here’s what will happen:

  • BRED TO SUFFER: Seizures, deafness, blindness, paralysis. UPenn runs a colony of lab dogs who are deliberately bred to suffer from incurable genetic diseases.
  • THE YOUNGER, THE BETTER: Most dogs don’t survive six months. Their lives are nasty, brutal, and short.
  • EQUALITY OPPORTUNITY ABUSE: Beagles. Hounds. Terriers. All are slaughtered.
  • HERE’S HOW IT ENDS: UPenn professors collect their bones and study their tiny skulls. This isn’t a death with dignity.

I’m annoyed that NIH is wasting our tax money to study a drug that’s already approved for humans.

But I am LIVID about the real reason why these dogs are bred to suffer…

UPenn runs a national “fee-for-service” business. Other animal experimenters pay UPenn’s greedy professors to do this dirty work!

They’re going to cripple and kill 23 more puppies just to make a quick buck. It’s blood money!

Here’s the urgent problem: they’re trying to push this funding through before anyone is the wiser. So, we must move faster than ever to stop another round of breeding and crippling.

The most effective way to stop any taxpayer-funded animal experiment is to stop the abuse BEFORE it begins.


Stop Payout #P40OD010939.
Save 23 dogs!

White Coat Waste is a Project to oust the U.S. government from the dog and puppy testing business.

Thanks to your active Support, our strategy has worked wonders for pets:

  • Shut Down meth tests on Dobermans at the Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA) in Los Angeles.
  • Ended the VA’s $2 million treadmill and heart attack tests in Richmond.
  • Retired the VA’s lab survivors.
  • Stopped all five of Dr. Fauci’s $1.8 million drug tests on 6-month-old beagle puppies.
  • Passed the first state law in Virginia history banning max-pain tests on cats and dogs.

No other group has shut down a single federal dog lab in nearly twenty years!

Right now, we’re pushing the same de-fund bill in Pennsylvania that was successful in Virginia. It’s an effective and proven strategy to cut funding.

That’s why I know we can end UPenn’s puppy-crippling tests! 

We’ve filed multiple Freedom of Information Act requests. We filed a federal complaint, too. We’re running hard-hitting advertisements to mobilize taxpayers, dog lovers, and pet owners.

And we’re building federal momentum in Congress. A bipartisan amendment to the 2024 spending bill was just introduced to de-fund the NIH’s in-house dog tests!

Unfortunately, we don’t have enough Support to stop UPenn’s crippling lab. We don’t have enough Support for this campaign!

So please contact Congress TODAY to make your opposition to the UPenn’s puppy crippling lab HEARD!

P.S. There are 23 lives at stake. If you’re a dog lover like me…if your pet is part of your family like mine is…I beg you to contact Congress today. Here’s your secure link to help them.

P.P.S. Extremely Urgent: NIH’s funding was just approved! Blood money is about to hit UPenn’s bank account. The puppy crippling could begin at any moment. Please send help!

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  • Eat Less Meat: Download Food Monster, the largest plant-based Recipe app on the App Store, to help reduce your environmental footprint, save animals and get healthy. You can also buy a hard or soft copy of our favorite vegan cookbooks.
  • Reduce Your Fast Fashion Footprint: Take initiative by standing up against fast fashion Pollution and supporting sustainable and circular brands like Tiny Rescue that raise awareness of important issues through recycled zero-waste clothing that is designed to be returned and remade repeatedly.
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  • Do What You Can: Reduce waste, plant trees, eat local, travel responsibly, reuse stuff, say no to single-use plastics, recycle, vote smart, switch to cold water laundry, divest from fossil fuels, save water, shop wisely, Donate if you can, grow your food, volunteer, conserve energy, compost, and don’t forget about the microplastics and microbeads lurking in typical household and personal care products!

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