Every household has them: forgotten stashes of unworn, unloved, castaway socks. They may be full of holes, out of style or ill-fitting—it doesn’t matter. The fact remains that chucking them in the garbage is just wrong. So what do you do with them?
Finally, the answer is clear: Give them to Smartwool.

Meet the 2nd Cut Project
Smartwool has teamed up with the Material Return circularity platform and Debrand next-life logistics to collect and deconstruct hard-to-recycle socks and turn them into new goods.
Since the launch of this initiative, Smartwool has upcycled 675k socks and counting—saving over 55k pounds of materials from landfills. And thanks to participants who raided their forgotten sock drawers, Smartwool’s very first sock is getting a refresh.

In 1994, Smartwool invented the Merino wool performance sock: the Classic Hike. This season they’ve released a limited-edition using upcycled socks.
The Hike Classic Edition Full Cushion 2nd Cut Crew Socks combine the fit and feel of the original sock with circular yarn from the sock takeback program. So Smartwool is striving towards a more circular business model and helping you clean out your neglected sock drawer at the same time. (Not to mention offering a killer hiking sock that cushions and secures your ride, wicks away moisture and never overheats.) Join the mission by sending them your unwanted socks—in the month of April only.

How to participate:
Visit a participating retailer this April and drop off your unwanted socks in the collection bin.
Get a free shipping label to use on any package you have at home (e.g.: pre-used shipping bag, envelope, used plastic bag – preferably recyclable).
What Smartwool is looking for:
-Clean socks only (please, please, please).
-All brands, colors, sizes, and materials welcome (they’re not picky).
-No rolled or paired socks, bags, rubber bands, paper clips (just single socks).
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