Why Wearing Makeup During Workouts May Be Bad for Your Skin – GWC Mag

by gwcmag

If you’re one of those people who never goes anywhere — even the gym — without wearing makeup, a new study suggests that you may want to rethink this to protect your skin.

For the study, scientists asked 43 healthy male and female college students to do 20-minute treadmill workouts in a lab. Before they exercised, all of them applied cream foundation to the forehead and upper cheek on one half of their face while leaving the other half makeup-free.

By the end of their workouts, everyone had more moisture on both halves of the face. But there was more moisture in the areas where makeup was applied, according to study results published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology.

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Pores also expanded and oil levels increased on the makeup-free skin, while pores remained the same size and oil levels dropped where people had on foundation. This suggests that wearing makeup during workouts can interfere with the skin’s ability to maintain proper oil levels during exercise and potentially cause dry skin, clogged pores, and acne, says senior study author Dongsun Park, PhD, of the Korea National University of Education in Seoul.

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